well i goofed up i slept to late to even go to the parade...merf......but yesterday i thought it was then...so i got up early ad down to the waterfront for nothing..well except to get harrased by carnies to play the games...ack!! their so obnoxious!!!
but i got to ride some rides..like the ferris wheel...which angelus totaly started freaking out cause of the height then we went on this ride that went around in circles but the cars you sat in swinged back a froth..i got really really dizzy from that.
hmm..so i guess it's try number two tomorrow for the parade....plus i bleached my hair blond thursday night...hehehe...I"M BLOND!!
but that will be remidy soon with purple adn lavender streaks....
49 til
but i got to ride some rides..like the ferris wheel...which angelus totaly started freaking out cause of the height then we went on this ride that went around in circles but the cars you sat in swinged back a froth..i got really really dizzy from that.
hmm..so i guess it's try number two tomorrow for the parade....plus i bleached my hair blond thursday night...hehehe...I"M BLOND!!
but that will be remidy soon with purple adn lavender streaks....
49 til

that parade caused me soo much downtown hell..look! im off work today! 

yer so cute...*kisses*