My friend and a couple of his friends started a gaming podcast.
Click here if you want to hear three nerds bitching about video game politics for the better part of an hour.
I registered for the last semester at this college today. My mom came with me! She's going to start college as well, and I couldn't be more proud of her. She's been a housewife for close to twenty years (because he wanted her to), so she's decided to do something with herself instead of waiting and hoping that child support will be enough. Of course she'll have to live off of alimony until she gets her degree, but I think two years of income is a fair compromise when compared to promising to take care of her for the rest of her life.
I'm torn. Anyone that knows me is aware of the passionate love affair I have with my hair and the multiple colors it can be on any given day. Well... I need an internship.... at a law office..... AAAANNNDDDD I think I'll be hard-pressed to find a law office that will hire an intern with a piercing in her temple and pink hair. I can disguise the piercing, but I really don't think I'll be able or willing to wear a wig every single day I go to work.
I LOVE my pink hair, and if you love something, let it go, right?
So, what color do you think I should go for?
If you haven't noticed, I'm sort of partial to red. I adore black hair, but I had it black for a long time, and I really don't like to color my hair the same way twice within a couple years. Call me finicky...
I'm excited about the set going up in about four days! Sith hasn't been on here in a long while, but she's had a lot on her plate lately, so don't let that diminish your enjoyment of her nakedness.
I don't think she'll mind if I post a little teaser.

Click here if you want to hear three nerds bitching about video game politics for the better part of an hour.
I registered for the last semester at this college today. My mom came with me! She's going to start college as well, and I couldn't be more proud of her. She's been a housewife for close to twenty years (because he wanted her to), so she's decided to do something with herself instead of waiting and hoping that child support will be enough. Of course she'll have to live off of alimony until she gets her degree, but I think two years of income is a fair compromise when compared to promising to take care of her for the rest of her life.
I'm torn. Anyone that knows me is aware of the passionate love affair I have with my hair and the multiple colors it can be on any given day. Well... I need an internship.... at a law office..... AAAANNNDDDD I think I'll be hard-pressed to find a law office that will hire an intern with a piercing in her temple and pink hair. I can disguise the piercing, but I really don't think I'll be able or willing to wear a wig every single day I go to work.
I LOVE my pink hair, and if you love something, let it go, right?
So, what color do you think I should go for?

If you haven't noticed, I'm sort of partial to red. I adore black hair, but I had it black for a long time, and I really don't like to color my hair the same way twice within a couple years. Call me finicky...

I'm excited about the set going up in about four days! Sith hasn't been on here in a long while, but she's had a lot on her plate lately, so don't let that diminish your enjoyment of her nakedness.

I don't think she'll mind if I post a little teaser.

Gamma, I'm a total Elder Scrolls nerd.
Glad you're ok. But that means you're either a really really good driver (meaning you avoided certain death), or you're really really bad.