So I officially have pink hair and a dermal piercing!
Pictures!!!! (crappy pictures, but pictures none-the-less)
This is me bleaching the red out of my hair... It didn't work so well.
This is me post-bleach. See my piercing?! It's tiny... but it's there.
This is my freshly pink hair!
A closer-upper picture of my piercing.
That's really the only thing of late that's been of note. I'm going to the Britney Spears/Nicki Minaj concert in New Orleans tomorrow. I'm going with one of my best friends, Michael, who happens to be one of the gayest things you could ever meet. Honestly... here are pictures of his "Britney, Bitch!" outfit that he's going to wear.
Isn't he adorable? Of course, since he's going as Britney he expects me to dress as Nicky Minaj... which may or may not have something to do with the fact that I have a humongous ass. The problem is... I have no Nicki-Minaj-esque cloths.
I know... I know... a crime worse than murder...
I say to Hell with that tonight. I'm going to sleep. I'll rustle up something "fabulous" in the morning.
Pictures!!!! (crappy pictures, but pictures none-the-less)
This is me bleaching the red out of my hair... It didn't work so well.

This is me post-bleach. See my piercing?! It's tiny... but it's there.

This is my freshly pink hair!

A closer-upper picture of my piercing.

That's really the only thing of late that's been of note. I'm going to the Britney Spears/Nicki Minaj concert in New Orleans tomorrow. I'm going with one of my best friends, Michael, who happens to be one of the gayest things you could ever meet. Honestly... here are pictures of his "Britney, Bitch!" outfit that he's going to wear.

Isn't he adorable? Of course, since he's going as Britney he expects me to dress as Nicky Minaj... which may or may not have something to do with the fact that I have a humongous ass. The problem is... I have no Nicki-Minaj-esque cloths.
I know... I know... a crime worse than murder...
I say to Hell with that tonight. I'm going to sleep. I'll rustle up something "fabulous" in the morning.


Pink looks good on you!