so on monday i got a call from the hallmark that i applied to. set up an interview for tuesday afternoon. i went, and i thought it went well... i got up insanely early for me (10 am. considering i got to bed very very late) and waited for the call back that the woman who interviewed me said she would make. she told me that my availability (any time) plus my experience were exactly what she was looking for durring the interview... around 4pm she finally called to tell me that she went with someone else but that she'd keep my application around for when they needed summer/fall help.
after that i just went to bed. i was so tired and i felt very sick all afternoon. so now i am pissed. i really was counting on that job! the hours would have been perfect, they fucking closed at 7pm! i could have still worked nights and weekend and still had plenty of time to go out! argh!! it was within walking distance from my house, and i already had plenty of clothes i could wear and there are no male employees so i wouldn't have to deal with perverted pedophile managers.
other than that, nothing to say.
i have been listening to all those new Regina Spektor songs i downloaded over the weekend and they're so awesome! i've got new favorites, like Samson!! wow, that song it me so fucking hard last night when i was trying to go to sleep... also Music Box, Prisoners, Lacrimosa, Oedipus... oh and Braille!!! shit that song is amazing!
She was lying on the floor and counting stretch marks.
she hadn't been a virgin and he hadn't been a god
so she named the baby Elvis
to make up for the royalty he lacked.
And from then on it was turpentine and patches,
from then on it was cold Campbells from a can.
and they were just two jerks playing with matches
cause that's all they knew how to play...
and it was raining cats & dogs outside of her window
and she knew they'd be destined
to become sacred roadkill on the way.
and she was listening to the sound of heaven shaking, thinking about puddles and puddles and mistakes....
Elvis never could carry a tune
and she thought about this irony
as she stared back at the moon.
she was tracing her years with her fingers on her skin
sayin' why dont i being again
with turpentine & patches,
with cold cold campbells from a can.
after all i'm still a jerk playing with matches
it's just that he's not around to play along.
i'm still an asshole playing with candles,
blowing out wishes, blowing out dreams.
just sitting here trying to decipher
what's writen in braille apon my skin...
i think this and Samson are better than anything on her actual record...
You are my sweetest downfall.
i loved you first, i loved you first
beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth.
i have to go, i have to go.
your hair was long when we first met.
samson went back to bed,
not much hair left on his head.
he ate a slice of wonder bread
and went right back to bed.
and the history books forgot about us
and the bible didn't mention us
and the bible didn't mention us,
not even once.
you are my sweetest downfall.
i loved you first, i loved you first
beneath the stars came falling on our heads.
but they're just outlined, they're just outlined.
your hair was long when we first met.
samson came to my bed,
told me that my hair was red.
he told me i was beautiful and came into my bed.
oh i cut his hair myself one night.
a pair of dull scissors and the yellow light
and he told me that i'd done alright
and kissed me til the morning light
and he kissed me til the morning light.
samson went back to bed,
not much hair left on his head.
ate a slice of wonder bread
and went right back to bed.
oh we couldn't bring the columns down
yeah we couldn't destory a single one.
and the history books forgot about us
and the bible didn't mention us
not even once. you are my sweetest downfall.
i loved you first.
*sigh* not only are these songs totally lovely in their lyrics, but they really showcase her voice i think. they're both very passionate songs...and so is Oedipus... she's really one of those singers who you really have to pay attention to...
i cried last night to Samson and the first time i paid attention to Braille i cried hard, and i had to fight back sobs while typing the words out here...
eh, ok enough.

after that i just went to bed. i was so tired and i felt very sick all afternoon. so now i am pissed. i really was counting on that job! the hours would have been perfect, they fucking closed at 7pm! i could have still worked nights and weekend and still had plenty of time to go out! argh!! it was within walking distance from my house, and i already had plenty of clothes i could wear and there are no male employees so i wouldn't have to deal with perverted pedophile managers.

other than that, nothing to say.
i have been listening to all those new Regina Spektor songs i downloaded over the weekend and they're so awesome! i've got new favorites, like Samson!! wow, that song it me so fucking hard last night when i was trying to go to sleep... also Music Box, Prisoners, Lacrimosa, Oedipus... oh and Braille!!! shit that song is amazing!
She was lying on the floor and counting stretch marks.
she hadn't been a virgin and he hadn't been a god
so she named the baby Elvis
to make up for the royalty he lacked.
And from then on it was turpentine and patches,
from then on it was cold Campbells from a can.
and they were just two jerks playing with matches
cause that's all they knew how to play...
and it was raining cats & dogs outside of her window
and she knew they'd be destined
to become sacred roadkill on the way.
and she was listening to the sound of heaven shaking, thinking about puddles and puddles and mistakes....
Elvis never could carry a tune
and she thought about this irony
as she stared back at the moon.
she was tracing her years with her fingers on her skin
sayin' why dont i being again
with turpentine & patches,
with cold cold campbells from a can.
after all i'm still a jerk playing with matches
it's just that he's not around to play along.
i'm still an asshole playing with candles,
blowing out wishes, blowing out dreams.
just sitting here trying to decipher
what's writen in braille apon my skin...
i think this and Samson are better than anything on her actual record...
You are my sweetest downfall.
i loved you first, i loved you first
beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth.
i have to go, i have to go.
your hair was long when we first met.
samson went back to bed,
not much hair left on his head.
he ate a slice of wonder bread
and went right back to bed.
and the history books forgot about us
and the bible didn't mention us
and the bible didn't mention us,
not even once.
you are my sweetest downfall.
i loved you first, i loved you first
beneath the stars came falling on our heads.
but they're just outlined, they're just outlined.
your hair was long when we first met.
samson came to my bed,
told me that my hair was red.
he told me i was beautiful and came into my bed.
oh i cut his hair myself one night.
a pair of dull scissors and the yellow light
and he told me that i'd done alright
and kissed me til the morning light
and he kissed me til the morning light.
samson went back to bed,
not much hair left on his head.
ate a slice of wonder bread
and went right back to bed.
oh we couldn't bring the columns down
yeah we couldn't destory a single one.
and the history books forgot about us
and the bible didn't mention us
not even once. you are my sweetest downfall.
i loved you first.
*sigh* not only are these songs totally lovely in their lyrics, but they really showcase her voice i think. they're both very passionate songs...and so is Oedipus... she's really one of those singers who you really have to pay attention to...
i cried last night to Samson and the first time i paid attention to Braille i cried hard, and i had to fight back sobs while typing the words out here...
eh, ok enough.
PS how did you discover Lacrimosa? they are a rather obscure musical act, I know them thru a friend, a good anecdote I think revolves around her, a sad anecdote, but good, anyway, I will write more tomorrow, chao
Sorry about the job falling though. At least she called you back. I've gone on interviews where I didn't even get they " Oh...sorry! We went with someone else" call. Something else will come up even better! In the meantime keep your chin up and keep posting music...