What the fuck? How in god's name did I find myself back here? Who gave me the free three months? It's been almost three years since I've been here, and believe me, I really haven't missed it.
Same dealy-o. Oak said I was one of several old timey friends who have come back in recent days -- I think they must have just passed out free passes to a bunch of folks who've been away for awhile.
I haven't really missed it either, but it's funny to be back. I dunno that I'm gonna hang out much though... I can't even play Connect Four here...!
Just incase you were wondering...I'm not dead, just extrodinarily busy with work and school. School is fantastic. I honestly think that this is what I'm supposed to be doing and that just makes me happy. I entered a very large professional cooking competition at the end of October in Spokane. I'm super nervous, but even if I suck, it will still be an awesome experience.... Read More
Cooking contests? Fucking A - I love that sort of thing! btw - look out, Jamie Oliver is planning on spending two years in the U.S. helping you all sort out your diets. Which is nice of him.
My stomach is upset with nerves. Tomorrow is my first day of school, and I am nervous. I have no reason to be nervous, but I am. I'm packing my bag right now and thinking that I can't believe I'm actually doing this. It's a good thing though, that I can be sure of.
I kind of wish I were going back to school as... Read More
Congrats on school! Hope you have a wonderful time. You're so sweet, i know you'll be fine! There's not a person here who doesn't just love you. Me included.
Ironically, I'm listening to Saturday Morning right now by the Eels and thinking about Saturday morning (yesterday). I woke up at 7:30am to NPR singing about breakfast cereals. My first thought was literally "what the fuck?" The rest of the day was ahead of me, and new adventures were sure to take place...
I went into town around 8:45am and headed to the farmer's market.... Read More
Come back to me, my valentine. Come back humming sweet tunes and eating sweet cherries on sweaty summer evenings. Come back with stained fingers, soft and fragrant, smelling of juice the color of midnight. Come back and share your verses of romance, epilogues of tragic lovers and friends. Come back and write me a sonnet so I can find the rhyme once again in this... Read More
I see that you are a fixture of SG. I hope you remember us little people from way back. See I have humility on occasion. So how are you doing? Last I knew you were living with your parents and you brother was telling them about your pictures I need an update! and I erased your first friend link because I am not very bright.
I was up until nearly 11pm baking last night. I baked like mad-woman from 5:45pm until then. What did I make, you ask? Caramel Fudge Brownies and two (!) lemon meringue pies. My favorite thing to make is meringue. I actually might have to admit that I may be the mistress of meringues. I have also decided to start documenting my culinary masterpieces. Self-absorbed? Just... Read More
Today was the most glorious day ever. It was almost 90 degrees and so perfectly sunny. Just in time for summer.
My Spokane trip was good. The entire time was spent shopping and walking and shopping some more. I fulfilled my promise and didn't buy any new shoes, but that being said, I have a box from Vans that just arrived today with beautiful, clean,... Read More
Hey, hey! Finally got some computer access today at my new job (I left the one I was checking from earlier last week). This new job pays me considerably more -- so I'll be set as soon as I get that first paycheck. Still need to buy a new damned computer since my toasted last week. Also get to look for a new car this weekend.
I've been loving the weather too. I went to my best friend's wedding this weekend and then took a 4 day pack-trip with him, his fiance Nicole and a couple other friends. We had such an absolutely terrific time. I'll post some pics as soon as I install some software on my work computer. Talk to you soon.
I'm feeling really empty right now. It's a very odd feeling.
Last night, a boy I used to be slightly interested in was having a bachelor party at one of the bars downtown. Prior to entering the bar, a few of his friends were in a truck stopped next to our car. I, for some reason, was laughing hysterically in the back seat and caught... Read More
I haven't really missed it either, but it's funny to be back. I dunno that I'm gonna hang out much though... I can't even play Connect Four here...!