Apparently it isn't cool to state your point that when someone eats the pizza you just paid for before you've had a chance to eat any, you have a right want some cash.

Either way, Cable and I handled it pretty well. Good times.

Also, it is interesting how crushes manifest themselves with seemingly little evidence and can be crushed themselves with a few droplets...
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nice people always get taken advantage of, thats why you say "pay for the pizza bitch" and if they don't like then that just means they won't be stealing anymore of your food!
i know man, i only wish i was awsome

it's interesting how i can get everything i want...but after, be so scared of it that i destroy the very thing i wanted and worked for.
i can feel myself doing that.

just tell me to shut up and call the fucking boy...call the boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

crushes are great...
For the record, it is not possible to pick up a chick while getting punched in the face on a pool table.
Picture the scene: Wednesday morning in the Volley. Me and Tommy are playing pool. No problems, and I'm playing like Paul-Fucking-Newman by the way. I'm giving the boy the tanning of a lifetime. So anyway, it comes to the final ball, the deciding shot of the tournament: I'm on the black and he's sitting in the corner, looking all biscuit-arsed. Then this hard cunt comes in. Obviously fancied himself. Starts looking at me. Right fucking at me. Trying to put off, like, just for kicks. Looking at me as if to say, "Come ahead, square go." Well, you know me, I'm no lookin' for trouble but at the end of the day I'm the cunt with the pool cue and I'm game for a swedge. So I squared up, casual like. So what does the hard cunt do, or so-called hard cunt? Shites it. Puts down his drink, turns around, and gets the fuck out of there. And after that, the game was mine.
Rockit! I just got home from a wicked Raver Work Week - a straight 48 hour shift, capping off a 110 hour work week. It rules hard and in so many ways.

October 10th is going to be a good day; I know exactly what I am going to aquire too.

Oh and during the 48 hour shift, I did slot in a couple power...
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oh my god, why would you work that much in one week. if your not the boss, you should be, or at least sleeping with his daughter or wife for that kind of dedication
that is insane. you are insane.

the most i've worked at once was doing retail 16 hours a day for 18 days straight. you must really love your job. or make lots of money. what do you do?
Firstly, if we made a society of Tiny Monsters, including Tiny Monster Scienticians, should we give them Tiny Helicopters and Tiny Cans of Beer or should we let them figure that part out on their own?

And B, which is better: Glenlivet or Glenfiddich?
Duce is back and he's lovin' every minute of it.
i knew ya'd be back. they're never gone for long.
i like your birthday

Although I fear I am too late, I think my attention to this site has played a defined role in ruining the most fruitful and beautiful relationship of my life. I will never return.