Yeah, so by some serendipitous occurence, I ran into some friends at barnes and noble I hadn't seen in quite some time. They happened to be stopping in there to kill some time before seeing Chicago. So, seeing that I was walking around by myself with nothing to do, they invited me to see the movie with them. I really was not that intrested in seeing a fucking musical at 9:45 on a saturday night, but I went along anyhow. Boy, am I glad I got to see this. Before this movie, I was not a fan of, nor had I seen the play Chicago, let alone ANY musical. However, this movie was so well-crafted that I got chills at multiple times throughout the movie due to the sheer cinematic awesomeness I was seeing on screen. If you haven't already, go see this movie! Awesome music; awesome editing; awesome actng; awesome lighting; perfection.
I'm still a princess... but you can be "le petit prince" if you like.
The movie doesn't seem like much to me. But you are small, so I'll take your word for it.