So i Just found out that I made Staff Sergeant (E-5)!! I am super stoked!! I didn't even think I had a chance to make it. I didn't study at all for the test since I had my mind on my wife leaving me and trying to move out of my house and find a new place. The past couple of days have sucked really...
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Army..he's in Aviation.
Good shit!
Tucson was amazing!!! I am so bummed that I had to leave though. I can't wait to get back there. Met the most amazing girl there. She's the only person who completely takes my mind off of my ex wife and makes me feel like I am more than just cash cow or a piece of shit. haha, I can't wait to get the fuck...
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I'm in TUCSON!!!! The last couple of days have been awesome! The golden means show was so much fun. Those dudes definitely are amazing artists. You should look them up on Facebook. Just been hanging out with friends and family having a good time. I start work tomorrow with the recruiter. Not too excited but It should be ok. I'm getting tattooed this friday so...
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I'm hoping to get tattooed soon too
I am leaving for Tucson tomorrow!! I can't wait!! It's going to so fucking amazing! I get to go and see all my friends and family and just have a good time. Sure I'll be helping out a recruiter but whatever, I am good at talking about the Air Force, I enjoy my job and I enjoy telling people about it. It's fun. I am...
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Does your cat like car rides?? Hah thats cute.

Good luck and have fun in Tucson!!!
Today is starting out awesome. I just passed my PT test and did amazing. I shaved 2 and half minutes off my run time since January. I am extremely excited about that. Now all I gotta do is get my ass down to Tucson to give my folks my cat and maybe my dog for the time being as I try and get rid of...
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Congratulations on your PT test!
Today has really sucked. I had a PT test today but I didn't make it because while driving I started feeling nauseous and light headed. Everything seems to be going wrong right now. I need to get out of this rut. I just don't know how too. Luckily my squadron is being pretty awesome about things and helping me out. I just want to get...
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thanks for your request!
=( Im the same way. I've always followed my heart, even if it meant letting someone control nearly every part of my life but my heart still says that he was only doing what he did because he loves and cares about me. Even if that isn't the truth.
The mind can be easily manipulated.
Btw, your heart is what makes you so awesome! You are an amazing guy! You'll be happy again. I believe in my heart that everyone finds their own happiness in life, and I know you'll find it.

Soooo... Be Happy!!!!! Things will always get better!!! biggrinbiggrinbiggrinkiss
Just got back from the courthouse, that was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. . . I don't even know what to do now. I'm so bogged down with work and this and everything else. I'm just so lost right now. I wish I could have been a better husband and to keep her happy, I thought I did everything right but...
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Oh gee thanks smile
I feel really bad about what happened to you. Sometimes things don't work out, no matter how hard you try. That's just the way things are, it doesn't mean it's your fault! Good luck
So I'm going to Africa! I just got a call from my scheduler that I'll be heading to Africa to drop off cargo. Maybe they'll be generous and send us around the world on this so I can go to Diego Garcia, Japan, Guam and Hawaii as well. I'm not counting on it but it's worth hoping for since nothing good is going on right...
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Have a nice trip!
have a good trip and don't worry I am sure things will get better you just have to survive through the bad : )
I need to get out of my house, I am tired of just hanging around here doing nothing. Anyone wanna hang out?
Sure! come to Az! wink
such a boring day!! There is absolutely no one to hang out with at all. I need to find some form of entertainment. This day is gonna suck.
Hope your day gets better
I'm not having a good day but oh well. I dated a guy LONG time ago that was at that airforce base