yesterday i got super cute boots from Monroe and i wore them today.
i got a cute one piece halter from Bailey. i love it. it fits better than i thought it would. i went to walmart which is like the only human interaction i get beside my family and the internet. it's really fucking sad. but anyway, i got aiden some neat things. sidewalk chalk, a bouncy ball (which he fucking loves), chunky markers. he's really into drawing lately. i also got a hello kitty kite for a dollar. score! i tried to fly it because there was a little wind going on. apparently not enough to fly a kite, though. lame.
after that, i took aiden to the park a few streets away from the house. it's pretty shitty. but he doesn't know any better and i'm really glad. a hooker asked me how old he was and there were dudes shooting dice on the jungle gym, so he didn't get to play on the slide until about 5 or so minutes before we left the park. and i'm pretty sure that i witnessed a drug deal or something sketchy like that. and when i about a third of the way home, some random people laughed at me. they were loud as fuck. i still have no idea what they were laughing at. it's probably the way i was dressed. i'm not upset about getting laughed at. it's happened before. i just thought it was really fucking rude. but at least i brought some humor to their life. i really hope things start looking up soon. this is no place for a kid. other than those few little events, it was a pretty good day. :o]
Don't worry, I will give you props.