Here in the states we are in Thanksgiving Week. People getting ready to travel to visit family, eat alot and pass out. Tv shows are starting to go on hiatus until the next year and Black Friday looms ahead. From there, we fast forward into Christmas and New Years and then a few months of cold and boring weather through January, February, and parts of March.
This won't be a long blog because not much to say. I will say this though, I started writing again. I mean really doing work on my projects and stuff. I had a whole month off to do something but with the rehabilitation and just laziness haven't put the month to good use. So after getting the car fixed Saturday I was to go to Philly to go to the Video Game Convention but it was cold and I really thought I had better things to do, so I drove to Panera Breads and sat in the corner with my books and got started.
Problem with Panera is, not enough outlets, It seems that place was designed pre-laptops but it couldn't have been. Also they have their wireless restricted so no naughty websites(cant check SG there or the Stern Site). But I get my Ice tea and I go to work. After i'd say 3 hours the cogs in me head started turning again. The cobwebs were clearing and the doors were beginning to open in my head. I had a direction on how I wanted one of my projects to go and it was great and fun and amazing to do something like that again,but that last door wouldn't open. It was so stubborn. It's like Luke not raising the Xwing from the swamps of Dagobah(like i couldn't go 1 journal without nerd fact). Anyway it felt good. I'm going to go today and the next few days as often as I can while off. I need to finish whatever I start and this is a decade in the making.
So, Twilight came out, and for some strange reason people around me think I'm a vampire expert and ask if i've seen it yet. No I haven't will i? Probably, during the day though and with someone...Love Vampires but I really hated the book. I read it on the recommendation of someone and i forced myself to finish it. Really disliked the novel and haven't read the others since or plan to. Made alot of money its opening weekend. Fangirls(WAIT A MINUTE!!! FANG irls) in action of course. But the question I have is, what will be its rank this upcoming weekend, will it have a major drop because everyone it was targeted to has seen it or will it continue to do well. I mean I doubt it wil do Harry Potter Money(considering Half Blood Prince should've opened this weekend instead). Thats all I will say on that...
Ok, last geek moment, apparently last week was good week, We had the new Watchmen Trailer which was good and the new Star Trek trailer(the music sold me in that trailer)i saw it online and it played during an episode of Fringe. Not sold on the new Kirk but we shall see.
Got re-acquainted with some from friends on Facebook.
what's up with you.
Oh yeah, I'm getting rid of some of my old paperbacks since I never read them more then once(i only re-read The Dresden Files, the Hollows, HP of course and some SW Books) they are a mix of Horror, sci fi(mainly Star Trek and Star Wars) not asking for money so if interested PM me and I'll send a list.
This won't be a long blog because not much to say. I will say this though, I started writing again. I mean really doing work on my projects and stuff. I had a whole month off to do something but with the rehabilitation and just laziness haven't put the month to good use. So after getting the car fixed Saturday I was to go to Philly to go to the Video Game Convention but it was cold and I really thought I had better things to do, so I drove to Panera Breads and sat in the corner with my books and got started.
Problem with Panera is, not enough outlets, It seems that place was designed pre-laptops but it couldn't have been. Also they have their wireless restricted so no naughty websites(cant check SG there or the Stern Site). But I get my Ice tea and I go to work. After i'd say 3 hours the cogs in me head started turning again. The cobwebs were clearing and the doors were beginning to open in my head. I had a direction on how I wanted one of my projects to go and it was great and fun and amazing to do something like that again,but that last door wouldn't open. It was so stubborn. It's like Luke not raising the Xwing from the swamps of Dagobah(like i couldn't go 1 journal without nerd fact). Anyway it felt good. I'm going to go today and the next few days as often as I can while off. I need to finish whatever I start and this is a decade in the making.
So, Twilight came out, and for some strange reason people around me think I'm a vampire expert and ask if i've seen it yet. No I haven't will i? Probably, during the day though and with someone...Love Vampires but I really hated the book. I read it on the recommendation of someone and i forced myself to finish it. Really disliked the novel and haven't read the others since or plan to. Made alot of money its opening weekend. Fangirls(WAIT A MINUTE!!! FANG irls) in action of course. But the question I have is, what will be its rank this upcoming weekend, will it have a major drop because everyone it was targeted to has seen it or will it continue to do well. I mean I doubt it wil do Harry Potter Money(considering Half Blood Prince should've opened this weekend instead). Thats all I will say on that...
Ok, last geek moment, apparently last week was good week, We had the new Watchmen Trailer which was good and the new Star Trek trailer(the music sold me in that trailer)i saw it online and it played during an episode of Fringe. Not sold on the new Kirk but we shall see.
Got re-acquainted with some from friends on Facebook.
what's up with you.
Oh yeah, I'm getting rid of some of my old paperbacks since I never read them more then once(i only re-read The Dresden Files, the Hollows, HP of course and some SW Books) they are a mix of Horror, sci fi(mainly Star Trek and Star Wars) not asking for money so if interested PM me and I'll send a list.
Well, if it were appropriate, what would be the point of saying it?
thank you