Hello everyone. I'm baack lol. I'm out of the hospital but I dunno whether thats a bad or good thing. I've been getting sick so often and my stomach problems had been getting worse. I literally can't keep anything in my stomach but liquids. I was doing better when kept on ivs and medication but once they try to bill your insurance and figure out you don't have any, they try to get rid of ya lol. The dr gave me some scripts for meds to take at home to help but I went by the pharmacy earlier they told me one was $60 and the other was $98. I don't have a job or insurance so there's no way I can pay that. So we'll see how it goes without the meds. This is gonna be a tough birthday year and Christmas. My 21st birthday is the 23rd of Dec and I doubt partying will be an option with how sick I've been. Not to mention my finances are worse than ever. I wanted to buy gifts for my friends and family and now I can't. I have a $239, $130, and $62 bills all due by Jan 14, and thats not even counting the medical bills, which will be in arriving in the mail shortly. The only person who really gets me Christ,mas gifts is my grandma...every year I get $100 to buy my own gifts and I asked her to instead pay my car insurance for me which is abt $130 so yeah. But Christmas isnt about the gifts. I just love the lights, the music, the chill, and the season in general. Driving home I realized how happy all of it makes me so despite everything I'm gonna get to have a good meal with my family on Christmas and try to enjoy it as much as I can. Thanks to all of you who sent warm wishes and thanks to James for letting everyone know what was going on...I'm sure he loved using my password to it's full advantage with these gorgeous ladies' sets


Happy Valentines day. 

Just dropping by to say hi, beautiful.