Hey, hey...it's like a koala crapped a rainbow on my brain!!! So I had another welding lesson this week...it's going slow but good. I refuse to get discouraged, and I will do this regardless...dammit. Work has decided that I am at the top of my earning potential and I will most likely never get another raise....I work retail. I don't make nearly enough money, and now I have a freaking salary cap? What the hell is that? It's so amazingly cheap...and my coworkes who did get raises only got 34 cents and 22 cents each, which is such a slap in the face...why bother..and the other store manager actually went down!!! What the hell? On the up side I should have new hair this week...I can't wait...grey is getting really annoying...anyhow...later

I bet rainbow koala crap is actually an eastern delicacy. I'll have to look for it in TNT next time I'm out that way.

That would be Opiate by Tool. Following the same theme on the Undertow album is Disgustipated.