Well FUCK! Its almost 6am.

Holy shit am I fucked tomorrow, but hey I took a nice walk on the beach.

To bad I sat on my drink in my car when I went to leave and it exploded all over me, my car, and my ass. Cold, sticky ass. It is important to know what that is like apparently. Its the only good reason...
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was it coke or pepsi.....
ewww, cold sticky ass is the worst at 6 in the morning.

Thanks for the bithday wishes smile
Working working working...


But my new boss lady is cute. To bad I will almost never see her. She is so shy it amuses me. I guess she is not really a "boss" I am just assigned to work with her / get trained. Its really funny because she did not know, nor expect it. She gets all quite and nervous when I am...
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Thank you soo much for joining. I've found it's pretty fun, just no naked chicks whatever
Yes, we do need more SG peeps. I'm doing my damndest. Did ya recruit anyone? I like how the site is free, unless if you want to buy cards, which I surely won't be doing.
I got to work at 7:15am

I got home from work at 1:15am.

At least the chick I am assigned to work with is cute. Made the morning go by much faster.

I guess I should go lay down and try to sleep.. fuck though, not tired. Need someone to cuddle with to help me fall asleep. blush
/raises hand and volunteers like the fat kid from band camp that wanted more homework
1 thing you did not know about me.

I have long hair. You just can't see it due to pony tails in my pictures.

Yep, the power of Sampson is with me. wink

Now tell me a simple fact about you.
i have infinite patience for everyone, except myself.

and if you want more simple, i'm 5'3. haha
I have a tattoo on my toe
Why am I updating? I have to leave for work. I am going to be late. eeek

Had the most rocking lightning storm last night though. I sat in the rain and watched.. biggrin

Thats all, cuz I am really going to be late. Tahtah..
rain? huh? what's that? smile
Man, you were right about the frustrations part big time. Found out some health related stuff and like to keep bad news to myself. Won't know results until next Thursday. iFinally broke down and told someone and I think that helped more than sleeping as far as my feeling wore out ya know what I mean? I try to not be a worrywort and try to not be an attention whore. (Thanks though for saying I looked hot! damn, I always think of Parisfuckinghilton) Lightning rules doesn't it? Makes you realise your place in the world. I especially like it right before a storm when the sky gets all greenish or some other wierd color and you can smell it coming.
I Am tired, could not sleep.. Still have not slept..

Think I might take a walk contemplate shit and go to bed.

Tell me something magical about life, or your self will ya.
Watch Fight Club when you can't sleep. It helps. blackeyed
Why am I updating? I am in a hurry!

I am nuts..

Day off, but still have to drop by work. I probably should have went earlier this morning..

Going dancing tonight, chick from work supposed to show up. wink
It looks like it is a full moon and it is beautiful. It might be tomorrow but tonight is close enough. I want to go lay on the beach with someone and just stare up into the sky.

Ohhhh! I also found out I get to keep my Thursday off. Which is hot.. I thought I was going to be working 7 days a week...
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damn, enjoy your day off! i don't know how you do it, i'd have a breakdown if i was working that much eeek

p.s. your comments always make me smile and feel better, and i think of you everyday when i look at my ren & stimpy dvd smile i plan on hugging the shit out of you when we hang out smile
Well fucking fuck.. I have to get up at 8am again tomorrow for a 14 hour day at work.. HAZAH!!

Yes thats right, I said Hazaah, got a problem with that?

Shit, there is a chick at work I need to hook it up with. But damn, now I have no fucking time. Whats up with that shit. Oh well would probably just decide to...
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why not chance a shitty relationship...i mean chances are it could be really good too, right?

then again, i am the last person on earth to be giving relationship advice so stick with your gut i guess haha

*hugs* someday i am going to give you a real one
long days at work, ahhh yea, I know them well. smile

The girl at work, maybe if you don't have time, it'll start slow and casual whcih sounds like a good way to go to see if things will turn out okay. I say okay cause damn, who the hell knows right? But remember friend, no reward without risk right? With what I know of you, you know that well.

The peeing story, LOL.

This is not "the friend" is it?
That would be even funnier.

This past Sat. I got walked in on while using the restroom. It was one of his male friends. The one who works with and knows my Dad too. I don' t think he told A., yet anyway. I walked back out to where they were playing poker and said "all clear" with a smile. biggrin
I am in a funky mood. Half pissed off, half excited, half unsure.

Yes there are more then two halfs to me. A good and bad side are not enough to sum me up. wink