Nothing better in life than being dicked around by a woman......feels awesome.
Besides that, things are great here in the Midwest. Only a few weeks away from my vacation and birthday. Nothing really planned for it, think I will chill, workout, and maybe, go for a long drive.
Anyone else love just getting out and driving? I love it, leave and come back when you... Read More
I'm sorry I didn't give you news last days, but I was really bad... I had too much work and too much stress, I couldn't eat or sleep anymore... But now my work is done! I only have to spend tomorrow afternoon with my dad because he will help me for the "design", and read it all again once, and then I give it to my teacher to have her opinion and after to the jury. I can be wrong but I think my work is good, anyway before I pass the jury I will still be stressed. I hope it will be soon in June but I don't know when yet...
What about you? How is it doing with your job and ju-jitsu? Are you still motivated? I think I'm going to go back to sport seriously on monday, when everything will be more cool. I think I need it because I feel terrible when I stop for too long.
I used to dabble in poetry when my mind was in happier times. Lately I have been in that frame of mind and working on some new stuff. Here is some of my old stuff for LittleBluePig.
Hey, yeah that's right, you French sounds perfect! wink
I'm sure you'll soon have the occasion to write happier things, I don't really understand why you're still alone, you seem to be such a nice guy! I tried anything to get a f*** poem out of my ex for more than 6 years and never got a single one! biggrin
Well, I'm off for few days, last night was nice as the gave me the first 4 hours off....which rocks.
Still trying to find a date for the Nightwish concert Friday. ...sigh
Had blood drawn this morning to try and figure out some health issues that have been bugging me for a while. Will update when I get the results back tonight... Read More
That's great you have some days off, me too until monday but I have to work at home though.
Today I went to Brussels and got some advices to use excel from my dad, and just before I got my tragus and my labret pierced, and guess what? I was sure he would be mad but he didn't even noticed!!!
My dad is definitely the best dad ever!
I'm so happy of this plastic thing that replaced the steel one inside my mouth, I didn't know about this new technique because last time I did this piercing it was 8 years ago! But anyway I'm going to put a ring around my lip after some weeks.
I didn't remember how painful it was to pierce the labret, an the tragus was even worse!
But now I'm happy for years! And besides I paid less than I thought, so it was a really good day for me!
Why do you say that your ex has a better life than yours? After some month alone I really enjoy being single now, and I wouldn't say my ex's life is better than mine, it's just different. And I wasn't happy living his life anyway.... No I feel like everything is possible, and I'm impatient to do all sorts of nice things I couldn't do with him.
Have you been with your ex for a long time? And when did you part?
So you write poetry? I'd like to read it someday if you're ok
I used to write poetry too but it works by period with me, sometimes I need to write, sometimes not...
Do you know french poets such as Verlaine or Aragon or Eluard? In English I think I only read Shakespeare's poetry but I love it!
What do you plan to do during your days off?
Have a nice evening!
Plenties of kisses!
It's a pity you couldn't plan anything for your birthday, I'd have been to be there and slow dance with you if I wasn't so far!
I never plan anything for my birthday because it's between Christmas and New year so most people are away or sleeping This year I decided to go some days alone in Amsterdam and it was quite fun, I met a lot of nice people and I saw my friends of the gay coffeeshop I love!
Anyway my friends are so different from each other I can"t put them together it wouldn't work...
You're right, you should take some sleep before work, after all the beer you drank yesterday! Are you sure you don't have belgian origins? (I say that but don't like beer)
When you're sleeping and working, I'll write my abstract for my research and add some annexes... I'm glad I'll be done with it in about one week... And in the end of June, if everything goes right, I'll have my degree and be free to do anything I want of my life !!!! If this dream comes true I'm gonna be the happiest woman on heart for the rest of my life!
Ok I stop dreaming and I go working...
You were lucky! I'm a bigger girl, and I'm often nursing a pleasant buzz when my thinner friends are hammered. It's usually rather entertaining. Other than not being able to get properly drunk on Cinco de Mayo, how are things going for you?
- Finally have some days off after working 3 nights in a row. Had a few trying moments at work but overall everything went well.
- Just got back from another night of Jiu Jitsu, freaking tired, sore, but at the same time, so happy. I know that by this time next year, I will be more knowledgeable and a lot lighter.
Time away is such a luxury for me. That picture you posted just makes me want to escape! Where would you choose to go if you actually COULD pick and run away?
I have worked in the medical field for a while now. I've done my time in the trenches, almost 4 years, in an ER as a medic and come out with a lot of medical knowledge. The one great thing about being in this field is that everyday you learn something new. Here is something I learned at work one night.
I use to take medicines and I really don't see the point... I'm sure they make me healthy and I look perfectly normal...
You must know that I totally agree with this poor man who wants to know who ate his cookies, eating someone else's cookies is an awful crime which should be severely punished!
Now I have to leave you cause I'm searching for my bath rug...
How are you today?
I just stopped working and it's 4 am, I'm so exhausted (and hungry...)
But I'm really happy of what I'v done these last days ..; the bad news are that I HAVE to hold this rythm until the end of June, or I will fail and my father is going to cut me in slices... failure is definitely not an option
Tomorrow I think I'm going to call my friend who's working as researcher in the same team as my teacher, maybe she can help me a little bit with statistics, because I hardly understand what that word means... Actually I think I could do it myself but I'm on a hurry so I will take her advices as she gave statistic courses. Damn I'm really anxious about this final work (and I stop anxiolytics at the same time... because of you, you freaked me out this morning! .. No I'm joking, I just...stopped because I'm getting bored of this shit and of going to the doctor)
If I get this degree I really think it will be the happiest and the most relieving day of my life!
What kind of nice project are your working on?
AH, no I'm going to watch my episode of Desperate Housewives and go to bed! Niiice!
Have a nice day or night, take care!
Kisses and hugs