you know how there are things in life that people never tell you but just assume you know? (like an egg is fully hardboiled after 8 minutes instead of 20?)
i'm sorry, but this is not the time of the neanderthals. i do not have overly large occipital lobes (is that even an area? i mean the brain that takes up the occipital part of the skull) that carry around generations of information that i can recall at a second's notice.
which is why, like tonight, i learn new things that everyone rolls their eyes at me for, like it should have been obvious.
all i'm asking is, how come nobody TOLD me that after practising the guitar for a mere half hour, my fingertips would go entirely novocaine-injection numb, and that trying to clean under my nails with a knife would resort in disorienting tingling sensations, and that no amount of massage would get them to feel normal, and that i'm going to have to do this for at least an hour a day EVERY DAY?
if my fingertips become permanently damaged, how the hell am i going to deliver a good hand job?
and damn you, don't treat me like an idiot. i was NOT supposed to have known this beforehand. i am a pianist and get wrist sprains, not numb fingertips. for all i know this could be a symptom of heart attack or diabetes!
anything else i should know about?
"i don't get paid enough for the shit that i put up with
there's not enough cocaine in the world for me to snort
tons of little assholes are pirating my music
and i can't leave a club without exerting brutal force on my fans
oh YEAH YEAH YEAH it's so hard to be a rock star"
p.s. our toilet is fucked up again.
i'm sorry, but this is not the time of the neanderthals. i do not have overly large occipital lobes (is that even an area? i mean the brain that takes up the occipital part of the skull) that carry around generations of information that i can recall at a second's notice.
which is why, like tonight, i learn new things that everyone rolls their eyes at me for, like it should have been obvious.
all i'm asking is, how come nobody TOLD me that after practising the guitar for a mere half hour, my fingertips would go entirely novocaine-injection numb, and that trying to clean under my nails with a knife would resort in disorienting tingling sensations, and that no amount of massage would get them to feel normal, and that i'm going to have to do this for at least an hour a day EVERY DAY?
if my fingertips become permanently damaged, how the hell am i going to deliver a good hand job?
and damn you, don't treat me like an idiot. i was NOT supposed to have known this beforehand. i am a pianist and get wrist sprains, not numb fingertips. for all i know this could be a symptom of heart attack or diabetes!
anything else i should know about?
"i don't get paid enough for the shit that i put up with
there's not enough cocaine in the world for me to snort
tons of little assholes are pirating my music
and i can't leave a club without exerting brutal force on my fans
oh YEAH YEAH YEAH it's so hard to be a rock star"
p.s. our toilet is fucked up again.
Guitar can be pretty bad at first, bass isn't pleasant either. Some could say its worse because you have to develop a lot of finger strength to handle the heavier strings. After a while your fingers will get used to it and you'll start to develop callus-like apparatus on your finger tips. 

hello...just stopping by to see how you're doing...