Just bid on 40 acres of rangeland in Sweetwater County, Wyoming. Aside from the antelope, there's a little bit of whiskey and some worn out whores. If you can fly into Rock Springs on Saturday, I'll be hauling a couple of gunnysacks full of coal for the furnace and you can ride along.
Don't bring no pets, I can't guarantee the coyotes won't get 'em...
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I like gay cowboys that look like Jake Gyllenhal. wink
Thanks for the comment on my set! :
1:33 AM.
Not sure what day it is.
Learned bananas can be eaten right-side up.
Researched the purchase of a pet spider-monkey after polishing off a half-gallon of cheap Russian vodka.I plan to call him "Zip the Pet Monkey". And teach him how to use the remote but never hide it from me.
If you have a broadband internet connection and enjoy an eclectic assortment...
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Beck is a Hubbarhead? Neat!

I hate SomethingAwful. I mean, seriously, I would strangle Rich if I met his flabby ass. But there is a good collection of valentines there, all based on Star Wars. Check it out or don't. Like I fucking care.

Back from Houston.
I liked the opera more than I thought I would.
Dropped a week's wages at Vic & Anthony's.
The lamb chops at Indika were killer.
Galveston rocks! Maybe I'll post a pic of the jellyfish later ...
If you're ever down there, just take the 6 to Tanglewood and get off on Bering.
Call Donna.
I like Madame Butterfly (primarily because during one part I swear it sounds like someone sings "boomsick"), but know little more than that.

Join SGTC:
UPCOMING EVENT: Sexy Together Time

WHEN: Saturday Feb 11 @ 8:30 pm
WHERE: Liquor Lyle's

It's time for the SGTC to have an event in 2006. Come to Lyle's and enjoy the Happy Hour two for ones.
In Houston on Thursday, late afternoon. My brother doesn't get in from NYC until 10 PM so I'm waiting for him at Pappas Seafood House (http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?city=Houston&state=TX&address=11301+North+Fwy&zoom=7), about 15 minutes from the airport (Bush). Anyone want to meet me there - I'll buy you your first 10 oysters and your second lobster. As an added bonus, my nephews Alec & Quinn and old college roomate Kevin...
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I can't meet you, but feel free to send me food. Seriously. Cream of mushroom mixed with Family Dollar egg noodles is getting old.

I think we need a SGTC meeting where those with good jobs pay tiny amounts of money to those those with no jobs to do their bidding.

I don't do windows.
Garsh. It's cold here. Think I'll go to Houston for a week. Get some BBQ, check out the opera.
Mmm, BBQ. *drools* I think I'm gonna have to find a rib joint around here tomorrow and have me a tasty dinner. biggrin
Among a fringe community of paranoids, aluminum helmets serve as the protective measure of choice against invasive radio signals. Go to the MIT White Paper: http://people.csail.mit.edu/rahimi/helmet/ - Heres a summary: To investigate the efficacy of three aluminum helmet designs on a sample group of four individuals. Using a $250,000 network analyser, we find that although on average all helmets attenuate invasive radio frequencies in either...
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Alrighty then. O.o
You *do* know this is a joke project, right? Like when my dad told my mom that he only wanted three kids and a forth was too much, but he was *joking* (or so I've heard).
my friend

I loved bar room fights.
I fought the biggest meanest men
I could find.
the patrons thought I was

But it was something else, something
That walked and slept and sat with
me. it ate with me when I ate,
it drank with me when I drank.
I saw it everywhere: in loaves
of bread, on the back of a mouse
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The extent of my Bukowski is from hanging out with Dan Owens and watching Barfly over and over again. As I recall, "Fuel..." is the best line... smile

What horrid depressing times. At least we spent those days locked up with a case of vodka and two wonderful women!