ok ... so im still not on my own comp. ... im on noah's right now... but heres what i dont get... Y DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO LIKE THE STRAIGHT GIRLS... it nevers fails... any gurl i think is cute and would want to go out with is eaither STRAIGHT or TAKEN... and all the gurls that i KNOW want me... i dont want them .. like theres this girl named amanda (not the one that betrayed me) that lives across the street from a guy i work with that wants me so bad... like she even told me that... but i like playing with her kids better then even just talking to her(shes 22 and has a 6 and 2 yr old boys) i mean i could be her friend fine... but she dosent want that... well then theres this gurl a lowes that likes me and shes cute and all... but is VERY clingy... which is a turn off... and she has some weaird qualitys... so now i dont really want to talk to her... manly because of the clinginess... but then we had a bon fire last night at the guy i work withs house... amanda was there... and then last night i found out this other 22 yr old liked me... but it was a guy(chris)... haha no thanks i dont want a guy right now... so i had two ppl there that really liked me... which wasnt fun for me... because all i was trying to do was have alone time(just to talk) with this gurl named natasha(yeah shes white) ... she was HOT... well every now and then we might of gotten 5 mins together but then amanda or chris would come and wreak it all... but after all night a finally found out she was bi.. but had a b/f... she was fuckin taken... ahhhh .... she was telling a story bout her and him at neon moon... but it was cool ... i kept talking to her as much as i could but was interrupted all the time by amanda and chris... but really why cant i find an atractive, sane, single lebian or bisexual... ahhh... ok.. well im going to go... i know i have to go home tonight and try and suck up to my mom so i can get off of kids... bc i feel bad useing noahs comp.... love you all
in dallas, you can go to sue ellen's and right next door is village. both places are awesome.
in ft. worth, there is a gay country bar called best friends.
check em out.
my phone should be back on this week, i'll let you know and we can talk love ya