that just made my day all better. its from found magazine. today sucked and i was bitching and complaining about it and feeling all mad and frustrated, then i came on here and started looking through random profiles cause i had nothing better to do and ended up on onie's profile. so thank you for that

yesterday was the first day all week i was finally able to leave the house, i had been sick since last saturday and had to get some film developed for class, sooo... i went shopping while i waited for it

moving on...

i went to class today and it was lame. i hadnt done my project cause i was sick and all, and i wasnt about to pull another all-nighter to finish something for that class especially when theres only 4 people in there and the teacher should just be glad we show up. so any-who 3 of us hadnt done it so she just told us to do it in class and we would have a critique when everyone finished it. so im sitting there with my sketch book feeling like ass and not wanting to do anything but take a nap, and she keeps comming up to me trying to help me get started on it and im not feeling it, three hours later theres a page full of doodles and nothing of my project. the whole time im thinking, what the hell am i doing here? im in class every friday from 8am to fucking 2 pm and all shes having us do is color some bullshit shapes onto an illustration board. i want to drop the class, i feel like its a huge waste of time and its frustrating me, but then i feel bad cause i really wanted to finish out the semester with all the classes that i had registered for. i havent completed one course since '03. if i dropped it i would still have my other ones and it wouldnt be too bad right? but i still would have dropped it and i would get another W and i dont want anymore of those cause they suck. fuck i dont know. should i just stay and see what happens? uggh
what else...hmmm...
-my new piercing seems to be healing pretty well

-my cell phone might get turned off, cause my dad refuses to pay the bill this month. he says hes not going to pay the phone bill for a phone that doesnt even work. we have that family plan thing and all our phones work fine except for his, its his third phone and for some reason none of the ones he gets work, his calls never go through, or get dropped, and he has no reception anywhere ever. its funny to go wih him to the cell phone store and see him get angry with all the employees. hes the guy that goes in there and raises hell and everyone is scared of him and then they are all laughing when he leaves because he made such a huge scene. hes great, i love him.
-corpse bride came out today, i wanted to go watch it

-i want a new camera, but i cant decide if i want a digital or film camera. i want a good film camera, i dont have one, ive been using a friends for a while, but then the digital ones are so nifty, i cant pick... what do you think??
I just wanted to stop by and say hello.
I'm not the complete jackass that boredom creates out of me in the chat. So thank you in advance for forgiving me.
I missed the corpse bride as well. (mostly because I'm 60 miles from a movie theatre) If I could, I would cyber take you to go see it.