1. Start Time: 11:31PM
2. Name: erika
3. Nickname: roach
4. If u were a skittle what color would you be? red
5. Chinese Zodiac: i have no clue
6. Zodiac: virgo
7. Hair color: black
8. Eye color: hazel
9. Height: 5'7
10. Favorite Color:red
11. Glasses: i wear them
12. Braces?: never needed them
13. Piercing/tattoos?: piercings
14. Area code: 714
15. Age: 20
******HAVE YOU EVER******
17. Cut your own hair?: yes
18. Did you do something in the past month that you regret? nope
19. Have you ever met someone you were not supposed to? how do you mean? i dont think so...
20. Kissed someone who isn't ur b/f?:not in a looooooooooooong time
21. Skipped school? a lot
22. Bungee jumped?: i want to
23. Had sex outside?: not out in the open all visible and stuff
24. Dumped someone?: yes
25. Been arrested?: no
26. TP'd someone's house?: yes
27. Won something?: i think the last time i won something was back in kindergarden
30. Been rejected?: many times
31. Been to a funeral?: lots of them but none for someone i was close to
32. Used a lighter?:almost every day
33. Been on stage? lots of times
34. Season? winter
35. Food: mexican and italian
36. Ice cream flavor: vanilla or caramel-sutra
37. School subject(s):english
38. Person?: danny
42. Movie(s): way more than i feel like listing right now
43. Song? see above answer...
44. Park?: soughgate park
45. State: california
46. Place: dannys living room
47. Sport to watch: baseball/hocky
48. Sport to play: baseball i guess
49. Bands/musicians: see #42
50. Letter(s): letters??? i dont get letters anymore
51. Fast food restaurant: i dunno dennys maybe???
52. Cartoon Character: ariel
53. TV Station: hbo
54. Name for a son: i have a few ive been thinking about
55. Name for a daughter: i dont want a daughter
******DO YOU PREFER******
56. Chocolate or Vanilla?:vanilla
57. Alcoholic or non?: both
58. Long relationships or one night stands?long relationships
59. Dogs or cats?: dogs
60. Scary movies or comedies?: zombie movies
61. Short hair or long?: long
62. Croutons or bacon bits?: croutons
63. Kissing or hugging: both
64. Mexicans: family, except for you crepy motherfuckers, yes you know which ones im talking about...
65. School: im not done yet
66. Grass: green
67. Cow: farm
68. Canada: eh?
69. Mouse: m.i.c.k.e.y. m.o.u.s.e.
70. Hand: job
******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******
71. Watched a movie?: no
72. Talked on the phone?:yes
73. Cried?: yes
75. Drank a glass of water?: a few bottles
76. Done Drugs?: nope
77. Read a book or magazine? both
78. Watched TV?: yes, i watched the dodger game tonight
79. Looked in the mirror?:yes
80. Taken a shower?: yup
81. Taken a picture?: of dannys nephews. they are adorable <3<3<3
82. Listened to music?: yes
83. Kissed someone?: yes
84. Had sex?: sadly no
85. Told someone you liked them?: many times
2. Name: erika
3. Nickname: roach
4. If u were a skittle what color would you be? red
5. Chinese Zodiac: i have no clue
6. Zodiac: virgo
7. Hair color: black
8. Eye color: hazel
9. Height: 5'7
10. Favorite Color:red
11. Glasses: i wear them
12. Braces?: never needed them
13. Piercing/tattoos?: piercings
14. Area code: 714
15. Age: 20
******HAVE YOU EVER******
17. Cut your own hair?: yes
18. Did you do something in the past month that you regret? nope
19. Have you ever met someone you were not supposed to? how do you mean? i dont think so...
20. Kissed someone who isn't ur b/f?:not in a looooooooooooong time
21. Skipped school? a lot
22. Bungee jumped?: i want to
23. Had sex outside?: not out in the open all visible and stuff
24. Dumped someone?: yes
25. Been arrested?: no
26. TP'd someone's house?: yes
27. Won something?: i think the last time i won something was back in kindergarden
30. Been rejected?: many times
31. Been to a funeral?: lots of them but none for someone i was close to
32. Used a lighter?:almost every day
33. Been on stage? lots of times
34. Season? winter
35. Food: mexican and italian
36. Ice cream flavor: vanilla or caramel-sutra
37. School subject(s):english
38. Person?: danny
42. Movie(s): way more than i feel like listing right now
43. Song? see above answer...
44. Park?: soughgate park
45. State: california
46. Place: dannys living room
47. Sport to watch: baseball/hocky
48. Sport to play: baseball i guess
49. Bands/musicians: see #42
50. Letter(s): letters??? i dont get letters anymore
51. Fast food restaurant: i dunno dennys maybe???
52. Cartoon Character: ariel
53. TV Station: hbo
54. Name for a son: i have a few ive been thinking about
55. Name for a daughter: i dont want a daughter
******DO YOU PREFER******
56. Chocolate or Vanilla?:vanilla
57. Alcoholic or non?: both
58. Long relationships or one night stands?long relationships
59. Dogs or cats?: dogs
60. Scary movies or comedies?: zombie movies
61. Short hair or long?: long
62. Croutons or bacon bits?: croutons
63. Kissing or hugging: both

64. Mexicans: family, except for you crepy motherfuckers, yes you know which ones im talking about...
65. School: im not done yet
66. Grass: green
67. Cow: farm
68. Canada: eh?
69. Mouse: m.i.c.k.e.y. m.o.u.s.e.
70. Hand: job
******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******
71. Watched a movie?: no
72. Talked on the phone?:yes
73. Cried?: yes
75. Drank a glass of water?: a few bottles
76. Done Drugs?: nope
77. Read a book or magazine? both
78. Watched TV?: yes, i watched the dodger game tonight

79. Looked in the mirror?:yes
80. Taken a shower?: yup
81. Taken a picture?: of dannys nephews. they are adorable <3<3<3
82. Listened to music?: yes
83. Kissed someone?: yes
84. Had sex?: sadly no
85. Told someone you liked them?: many times
2. Name: B
3. Nickname: Evil Bastard
4. If u were a skittle what color would you be? Blue?
5. Chinese Zodiac: Pig
6. Zodiac: Scorpio
7. Hair color: Brown
8. Eye color: Brown
9. Height: 5'11
10. Favorite Color: Forrest Green
11. Glasses: I don't need them.
12. Braces?: I don't need them.
13. Piercing/tattoos?: Both.
14. Area code: (613)
15. Age: 34
******HAVE YOU EVER******
17. Cut your own hair?: Twice a week.
18. Did you do something in the past month that you regret? Just a work thing. It's blowing over.
19. Have you ever met someone you were not supposed to? Once.
20. Kissed someone who isn't ur b/f?: Yup.
21. Skipped school?: Often.
22. Bungee jumped?: Once. 110 feet!
23. Had sex outside?: Yup.
24. Dumped someone?: Yup.
25. Been arrested?: Nope.
26. TP'd someone's house?: Yup.
27. Won something?: I won $100 on a lottery ticket once.
30. Been rejected?: Yup.
31. Been to a funeral?: More then I like to think about.
32. Used a lighter?:18 to 24 times a day.
33. Been on stage? Yup.
34. Season? Fall
35. Food: Anything I didn't have to cook.
36. Ice cream flavor: Mocha Almond Fudge.
37. School subject(s): History
38. Person?: Me.
42. Movie(s): Nowhere near enough space here to list them all.
43. Song? Today? We Are The Road Crew - Motorhead.
44. Park?: Hog's Back Park.
45. State: Nevada
46. Place: My Couch.
47. Sport to watch: Billiards
48. Sport to play: Billiards.
49. Bands/musicians: Way to many to list.
50. Letter(s): K.
51. Fast food restaurant: Wendy's!
52. Cartoon Character: Zim!
53. TV Station: CTV.
54. Name for a son: Bryce.
55. Name for a daughter: I don't have a preferance.
******DO YOU PREFER******
56. Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate!!
57. Alcoholic or non?: Non.
58. Long relationships or one night stands? Long Relationships.
59. Dogs or cats?: Dogs.
60. Scary movies or comedies?: Funny horror films.
61. Short hair or long?: Some hair is good. The rest is up to the owner.
62. Croutons or bacon bits?: Croutons.
63. Kissing or hugging: I refuse to limit myself.
64. Mexicans: They live very south of here.
65. School: I work there.
66. Grass: Lawn.
67. Cow: Steak.
68. Canada: Home!
69. Mouse: Pad.
70. Hand: Shake.
******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******
71. Watched a movie?: No.
72. Talked on the phone?:Too often.
73. Cried?: No.
75. Drank a glass of water?: At least two.
76. Done Drugs?: Nop.
77. Read a book or magazine? Just a book.
78. Watched TV?: CSI was on last night.
79. Looked in the mirror?:Every morning.
80. Taken a shower?: Yup.
81. Taken a picture?: Nope.
82. Listened to music?: Yup.
83. Kissed someone?: Yup.
84. Had sex?: Nope.
85. Told someone you liked them?: All damn day.
END TIME: 4:19pm