damn you wakesetter for tagging me
in not only one
in not only one
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Seven things i want to do before i die?
1. throw out the first pitch at dodger stadium
2. own all of california
3. travel the world
4. have a pet lioness
5. meet a mermaid
6. wow everyones pants off with my photography
7. do the family thing
Seven things you cant do?
1. speak Italian (which I intend to change)
2. fix my computer when it dies on me
3. drive within the speed limit
4. fix a leaking faucet
5. figure out which way is north or south when im driving
6. a cartwheel
7. shotgun a beer
Seven things that attacted you to where you live?
1. I was born here
2. I was born here
3. I was born here
4. I was born here
5. I was born here
6. I was born here
7. I was born here
Seven things you say most often?
1. fucker
2. ugh
3. whats your problem
4. fuckshitfuck
5. mmmmm
6. right now right now????
7. hm
Seven books that you love?
1. lolita
2. stiff
3. making faces
4. alice in wonderland
5. under the black flag
6. the complete works of edgar allen poe
7. behold a pale horse
Seven movies you watch over and over again?
1. romeo and juliet
2. from hell
3. the little mermaid
4. fight club
5. empire records
6. clueless
7. snatch
Seven people to tag?
1. ynnad
2. d-day
3. evilmonkeymuffin
5. guitarsnglasses
6. ilovemybitchz
7. brianm
Seven things i want to do before i die?
1. throw out the first pitch at dodger stadium
2. own all of california
3. travel the world
4. have a pet lioness
5. meet a mermaid
6. wow everyones pants off with my photography
7. do the family thing
Seven things you cant do?
1. speak Italian (which I intend to change)
2. fix my computer when it dies on me
3. drive within the speed limit
4. fix a leaking faucet
5. figure out which way is north or south when im driving
6. a cartwheel
7. shotgun a beer
Seven things that attacted you to where you live?
1. I was born here
2. I was born here
3. I was born here
4. I was born here
5. I was born here
6. I was born here
7. I was born here
Seven things you say most often?
1. fucker
2. ugh
3. whats your problem
4. fuckshitfuck
5. mmmmm
6. right now right now????
7. hm
Seven books that you love?
1. lolita
2. stiff
3. making faces
4. alice in wonderland
5. under the black flag
6. the complete works of edgar allen poe
7. behold a pale horse
Seven movies you watch over and over again?
1. romeo and juliet
2. from hell
3. the little mermaid
4. fight club
5. empire records
6. clueless
7. snatch
Seven people to tag?
1. ynnad
2. d-day
3. evilmonkeymuffin
5. guitarsnglasses
6. ilovemybitchz
7. brianm
but two!!!!!!
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
1. 1.what time do i get up? Whenever I feel like it most days
2. gold or diamonds? Diamonds of course :p
3. what was the last film you saw at the cinema? I dont even rememberwas it narnia????
4. favorite tv shows? Right now the sopranos and greys anatomy
5. what do you have for breakfast? Cereal usually, or something involving eggs or bread, or sometimes nothing at all
6. who would you hate to stuck in a room with? My moms mom
7. can you touch your tongue to your nose? Not really
8. what inspires you? a camera with a fresh roll of film in it (or memory stick I guess would be more appropriate these days)
9. whats your middle name? dont have one
10. beach, city or country? City and country but near the beachthis is why Im never leaving socal
11. favorite ice cream? Any variation of vanilla <3
12. butter, plain or salted popcorn? I like mine with garlic salt and parmesan cheese
13. your favorite color? red
14. favorite car? 69 mustang
15. favorite sanwich filling? Ham and cheese I suppose ooohhhhh! Or that turkey stuff with the bacon and swiss, ohhh yeasorry im hungry
16. what characteristics do you despise? Ignorance, stupidity, seedyness
17. favorite flower? Gardenia and orchids
18. if you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people? I wouldnt wanna tell anyone either, except maybe the very few closest people to me, I would tell them right away
19. fizzy or still water as a drink? Bottled water is fine
20. what color is your bathroom? White and aqua
21. how many keys do you have on your key ring? 6
22. where would you retire to? mexico
23. can you juggle? nope
24. favorite day of the week? Sunday I guess, thats when all the good shit is on tv
25. red or white wine? I have no clue, all the white wine I have had has been really good, never had a red that I could actually drink
26. what did you do for your last birthday? I was at home sick in bed that entire week. It was horrible.
27. do you carry a donor card? nope
28. say something nice about the person that sent it? Sent what?
tag 4 people
1. i
2. dont
3. think
4. so
1. 1.what time do i get up? Whenever I feel like it most days
2. gold or diamonds? Diamonds of course :p
3. what was the last film you saw at the cinema? I dont even rememberwas it narnia????
4. favorite tv shows? Right now the sopranos and greys anatomy
5. what do you have for breakfast? Cereal usually, or something involving eggs or bread, or sometimes nothing at all
6. who would you hate to stuck in a room with? My moms mom
7. can you touch your tongue to your nose? Not really
8. what inspires you? a camera with a fresh roll of film in it (or memory stick I guess would be more appropriate these days)
9. whats your middle name? dont have one
10. beach, city or country? City and country but near the beachthis is why Im never leaving socal
11. favorite ice cream? Any variation of vanilla <3
12. butter, plain or salted popcorn? I like mine with garlic salt and parmesan cheese
13. your favorite color? red
14. favorite car? 69 mustang
15. favorite sanwich filling? Ham and cheese I suppose ooohhhhh! Or that turkey stuff with the bacon and swiss, ohhh yeasorry im hungry
16. what characteristics do you despise? Ignorance, stupidity, seedyness
17. favorite flower? Gardenia and orchids
18. if you had a big win in the lottery, how long would you wait to tell people? I wouldnt wanna tell anyone either, except maybe the very few closest people to me, I would tell them right away
19. fizzy or still water as a drink? Bottled water is fine
20. what color is your bathroom? White and aqua
21. how many keys do you have on your key ring? 6
22. where would you retire to? mexico
23. can you juggle? nope
24. favorite day of the week? Sunday I guess, thats when all the good shit is on tv
25. red or white wine? I have no clue, all the white wine I have had has been really good, never had a red that I could actually drink
26. what did you do for your last birthday? I was at home sick in bed that entire week. It was horrible.
27. do you carry a donor card? nope
28. say something nice about the person that sent it? Sent what?
tag 4 people
1. i
2. dont
3. think
4. so
if i get carpeltunnel i blame you!
Cali is a bit in the small fish category. I think you should go for at least the whole west coast. Oregon for your house. Washington for your family. California for your friends a couple of junk cars.
"Mmmm, no, Brain, don't think I can."