Hey, this is my first fuckin' entry in this thing, even though I've had SuicideGirls for a long ass time.
I'm a 19 year old Streetpunk from Schaumburg, IL. I work at Target near Woodfield mall in the Electronics department. I like to get drunk, fight, beat people up, collect records, play with knives and brass knuckles, go to shows, listen to UK77-82 punk & Oi, US 77 punk, and RAC music, hang out with my friends, and play PS2 & X-Box games. I can't think of anything else to say so that's it for now.
I'm a 19 year old Streetpunk from Schaumburg, IL. I work at Target near Woodfield mall in the Electronics department. I like to get drunk, fight, beat people up, collect records, play with knives and brass knuckles, go to shows, listen to UK77-82 punk & Oi, US 77 punk, and RAC music, hang out with my friends, and play PS2 & X-Box games. I can't think of anything else to say so that's it for now.
Whats up, I'm in Schaumburg too on the corner of Golf/Roselle. Welcome to the Sg.com club 

hi! i'm near schaumburg, i'll say hi if i ever see you in target...you won't know me but that's ok....