tonight i feel flat. flat and lifeless, like a flat lifeless thing. no reason. just

fuck it. no motivation to write further.
yeah thats how i get when its the wet season... summer is supposed to be full of tropical storms... only this year it lacked the storms... just rain, rain and more rain... i'd have liked some thunder and lightning.
we should have swapped! lol i love a good lightshow! and you sound like you could have used the wet!
it's amazing what runs through your head when you spend 8hours on a tractor with nothing to really concentrate on... pull a lever, wait ten mins, pull a level, wait ten mins......
it has occured to me that even on s.g i feel like the odd one out. i feel like the odd one out pretty much everywhere i've ever been. and not simply because...
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I forgot to paste the damn blog from word!
Dear Mosquitoes,
Please become extinct.
haha!!! aww you poor thing!!!! mozzie repellant doesn't work? Think of it as a compliment at least... your blood tastes nice!! yum yum yum!! tongue
well...only females bite... so you are going well with the ladies!! haha Keep up the good work! tongue
i am currently sharing a work camp with. This is ok most of the time. Then sometimes alcohol is involved and everyones brains fall out, muscles become imaginarily large as do penis sizes. everything becomes one giant pissing contest, to which since i do not drink, nor talk about fighting or the women i've been with, I am deemed to loose. This is the worst...
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And people think having brains is a good thing. I'm sure its easier to just plod through life with your dick in one hand and a bottle in the other.

And MY BOOTS! get your ownsmile
now, how to out this done right?
just when i think thinkgs are sorting themselves out and some sort of order is appearing in my life shit happens. Not literally of course. that would be gross. i went to my bosses place to celebrate chinese new years with his partner, his son, and another taiwanese girl from work. quick chat about time off for me...
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You should just comment and not cum on it ;D
grrrr makes me so mad. one of my friends is getting married soon. his best man is also a good mate of mine. the wife of best man made herself a bridesmaid. Her assumption was that since her hubby was best man, she must be a bridesmaid.... and the bride and groom are way to nice for their own good. so now they have to...
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Thank the stars i have somehow avoided being in a wedding. Fuck i better touch wood!! Good luck Mr!!
no, really i do. smile
A sympathetic vomiter? Like when you see it it makes you sick? Oof. Tough.
That's right, i have a bike now and i've been using it! i'm super unfit. normally i have a very physical job and play hockey 6 months of the year, but not so in this new job. So i've been sitting on my bum for 3 months now and putting on weight. Which is incredible for me. i never put on weight. 180cm and 60...
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i shall ensure that i take photos of Mr.T in some bling for you... it shouldn't be all that hard!