So, tomorrow's Friday, as you may know, and I'm supposed to be moving this weekend. However, I have not yet been told when I can have possession of my new place, and I am freaking out a little. In an attempt to calm myself I decided to try fixing the screen on my iPhone. Instead, I completely destroyed the digitizer and ended up needed a completely new phone because I kinda need to be able to take a call about my new place and didn't have time to order a replacement part. I really don't know what I was thinking.
Instead of focusing on work during the hours I have during the day, even knowing that I'm probably going to be scrambling and missing work hours, I have been obsessing over stupid things. Like watching the Reading Rainbow Kickstarter. Not really doing anything else. Just watching the total go up. Then reading Levar Burton's AMA on Reddit, because that's in really good use of my time. Then tonight, I spent about 5 hours obsessively cleaning out and merging, and tuning my iPhone contacts. I used to do that with my music tags in iTunes, but my library is now immaculate so I needed something else to work on.
None of this feels healthy, and I hate it.