Place: My Apt
Mood: Content
Music: Thursday

GBV show went off very well. The fans were drunks making me happy, and rich...well no, not so much. Im buyin a digital camera bcuz Im broke and enjoy spending money that I dont have. Cousing Josh got married last night. Good food, open bar, that sorta stuff. Ended up at the Foundry getting even more fucked up....
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place: the soon-to-be old apt. (yip!)
mood: eyes hurt, caffeine shakes
music: Avail "Cross Tie"

good night. heard some grand music. met sam. smile.

"got a full blown standard to question outright now find something to believe in shared a million secrets that all broke one night damned bad job of concealment sometimes here and sometimes gone when the mainline blows stay sidetracked it's safe...
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I had a good weekend, so I did. Went camping with Annie, so I say. We made a fire and cooked some big weenies and then slept in the tent, so we did. Guided By Voices is playing their FINAL SHOW at my place of employment this friday, so they are. So excited, so I am. I have six more lesson plans to do in...
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I just typed a huge fucking post and then it got fucking lost so fuck you!

music quickly switches from Colplay to Good Riddance

Fuck You!
I hate it when that happens
Music: Pulley
Place: 5034 B
Mood: Smiles

awesome out. keepin this one short. today is the busy day, class til 10 tonight but will most likely get out a little early. saw the gorgeous indian gurl at the bank...I wonder if she notices me?

off to the park to take a jog by the lake...
Music: Good Riddance
Place: Bedroom of 5034 B
Mood: Slept Too Long

the agenda for the day is pretty open. how I like it. going to the university to pass out flyers for the upcoming bands. though the first handful of bands commin to the club are mediocre modern rockers, the change is definately welcomed. talks of thursdays being goth night as well. though that...
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The first posting in my sg journal. Ive kept a LJ for the past 6 months or so, but it has been a while since Ive posted. I am hoping that by having my journal, and my nudie girls on the same sight it will get me to write a little more...but not likely. It is only when I am pretty depressed that I fall...
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