So life spins its web around once more. I am full time in Ottawa now, trying for work, working on my PhD at the same time. Married, and enjoying just about everything except the winter. But, until I can retire somewhere warm, the winter will always be an issue no matter where in Canada I live. I am running out of places to blog comfortably,...
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I R Ranty

Where do our virtues lie in terms of the post-modern sacred? Are we actors (activists) or responders to the new moral conditions and imperatives? How does Al Gore become the face of environmentalism and as that face, does he have the role of moral saint or moral hero? Is his environmentalism one of life-politics or emancipation politics or both?

These are very...
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The following is a post I had to do for my program but I thought I would through it out there for thoughts and other discussion =) apologies for the length, but since I don't post often, perhaps you will forgive me.

In 1982, I was twelve years old. I had been admitted to hospital in
order to have my tonsils taken out. I had...
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Pete and I just wanna say thank you for your kind words at this difficult time. They mean alot to us blush
My brain hurts. Too much Charles Taylor, Walter Burkert and other social and religious theorists. They are making me forget about living in the real world... that can't be a good thing
Its been a crazy year. 2006 was crazy. That is the only way I can describe it. Pivotal, joyous, heartbreaking, confusing, lost, painful, and amazing. I finished my BA, moved to Ontario, lost my relationship, started my MA, started a part time job, re-met a new/old love, got engaged to said love, lost my part time job, and have continued to do well in my...
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Good to hear things are going well! Anytime you're in town, you're always welcome to drop in and shoot the shit ^_^
^_^ Why thank you! Im glad you enjoyed my set as much as i enjoyed shooting it
Going grey tomorrow, Sept 5th, you can find me at davonshire@gmail.com
So Jill moves out tomorrow, or at least her body does, her stuff and her cats remain here for another week and then she collects them Me, I am tipping into a bottle of scotch that I might just drink all of tonight... I feel sad, weak, angry, lonely and more than anything else, tired. I hurt inside
Scotch is my poison as well, though I don't reccomend the drinking of bottles without a friend there to help you finish it off. Sorry to hear you're feeling down. I ran into a friend of yours tonight - kelly, I believe - she sends her love.
There is a strange quiet in the house and a strange calm that has settled over both Jill and I. We talked and started sorting out who was getting what, what she was selling to me, what she is selling to the public etc. She has an exit date now, she will be leaving the apartment on the weekend of Sept. 10th and heading either...
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good luck man. i hope things get better for you as opposed to worse. smile

Glad to hear the last bit, hon. Excitement about what comes next is one of the best mindsets to be in. Send Jill my love, and keep some for yourself as well ^_^
Ok, so I have been in Kingston for 2.5 months, and since I started working (read since I started cycling to work) I have lost 18 pounds and counting. The scales read 238 this morning before I left the house. This is the first time since I moved home from Calgary that I have weighed less than 240. My shorts now hang off me in...
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There have been posters for a punk show on the 18th kicking around if you're interested.
I'm hoping to go to Alice Cooper that night, also in town. But if I don't get tickets to that, It's likely the punk show for me. I'll let you know if you feel up to it.
No problem. And yeah, things are pretty good with me.
about to go grey, probably for a long time. Jill and I are splitting up, there is no money to be able to spare for this site, as much as I love it

you can all find me at davonshire@gmail.com, take care everyone, for those I have met through here, it has truly been an honour,
I'm already stalking you at work.
Frontenac mall? THen who's the guy who looks like you, working at the ink jet place in the Cat-center?