Yay, the book is out and the media roll out has begun. Various book shops around Australia are now stocking 'Losing my virginity 52 times', if your local book shop is not one of them please feel free to go in and call them idiots and slap them around a little, or perhaps ask them to order it in for you. Otherwise you can order it online from anywhere on earth at www.dymocks.com.au
For those of you in Australia I have radio interviews scheduled in pretty much all the major cities, and a lot of regional centers over the next few weeks. This weeks People magazine (June 16th edition) has a review and free giveaway, and I am hopeful of much more coming up soon, including TV and print media, so keep your ears and eyes open.
Also a reminder for anyone in Sydney that Friday 13th at the Stoned Crow is my official horribly unofficial book launch, from 630pm till late, where when drunk enough I will be singing some very bad karaoke. Message me for more details. Hope to see some of you there.
Thankyou everyone.