Thanks for coming to the show last night everyone! We had a blast - an ass blast. OK, maybe that was just me. But it was tons of fun and our first real show - at that.
I do want to say that frozen Natty Boh is much better than room-temp Natty Both. So, as the marketing chief of Natty Boh Industries, I'd like to officially introduce the new Slushy Boh. It's both fun and economically-viable.
So now that the show's outta the way, time for recording! It's gonna be great, lotsa weird sounds and complex chord progressions. I'm in the market for a new head, something British and hairy.
Yes, it's back. OK, not really but this band last night had too many horns. Two's enough, don't ya think? I mean, a trumpet and a trombone is plenty. If you have TWO TROMBONES, a band meeting is in order. And I don't think you can hear a sax over a metal riff. So, as I said, two's company.
If I were in an Oi! Band, I'd only write sing-a-longs. What's drinking without loud drunked singing? Cocksparrer had that one amazing record, I'd just totally rip that off. The octave solos were great too, tons of stomping and hugging. Simple melodies can bring out the homosexual groper in you.
Tiger Army's tonight! More importantly, the Unseen will be there. They're a bunch of screamers, it's like they're always getting up on the wrong side of the bed. I bet they're nice guys, i mean, even though nobody takes them seriously. "Weapons of mass deceoption" oi oi oi oi! It must suck when you've got a self-fulfilling band name. Still, they're fun to drink to.
In Other News
Wednesday and Thursday Tera Patrick! Could life get any better? I mean, half-Thai/Anglo porn goddess in your lap. And she's got natural titties, so I got that going for me.
New Turbonegro in May!!! It's gonna be great, dig the Les Pauls.
And there's gonna be a new Hellacopters album this June! Tons of fun in the under the midnight sun. Remember to rock the denim, kiddies.
Thanks for coming to the show last night everyone! We had a blast - an ass blast. OK, maybe that was just me. But it was tons of fun and our first real show - at that.
I do want to say that frozen Natty Boh is much better than room-temp Natty Both. So, as the marketing chief of Natty Boh Industries, I'd like to officially introduce the new Slushy Boh. It's both fun and economically-viable.
So now that the show's outta the way, time for recording! It's gonna be great, lotsa weird sounds and complex chord progressions. I'm in the market for a new head, something British and hairy.

Yes, it's back. OK, not really but this band last night had too many horns. Two's enough, don't ya think? I mean, a trumpet and a trombone is plenty. If you have TWO TROMBONES, a band meeting is in order. And I don't think you can hear a sax over a metal riff. So, as I said, two's company.
If I were in an Oi! Band, I'd only write sing-a-longs. What's drinking without loud drunked singing? Cocksparrer had that one amazing record, I'd just totally rip that off. The octave solos were great too, tons of stomping and hugging. Simple melodies can bring out the homosexual groper in you.
Tiger Army's tonight! More importantly, the Unseen will be there. They're a bunch of screamers, it's like they're always getting up on the wrong side of the bed. I bet they're nice guys, i mean, even though nobody takes them seriously. "Weapons of mass deceoption" oi oi oi oi! It must suck when you've got a self-fulfilling band name. Still, they're fun to drink to.

In Other News
Wednesday and Thursday Tera Patrick! Could life get any better? I mean, half-Thai/Anglo porn goddess in your lap. And she's got natural titties, so I got that going for me.

New Turbonegro in May!!! It's gonna be great, dig the Les Pauls.
And there's gonna be a new Hellacopters album this June! Tons of fun in the under the midnight sun. Remember to rock the denim, kiddies.

I like Tera Patrick....but I think the real boob thing is a lie