hello!!!!!! how is everyone? feel ive been neglecting the good name of suicidegirls recently. oh well, sure i wasnt missed. ive been a fairly busy little bee. been goin out 2 much and i think my bank manager might be getting the arse with me a bbit but oh well. havin 2 much fun 2 care. thursday was such an amazing night. got so hammered...
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Was at DMU in Leicester - we were on top of the 3rd division for unis when I was there! Sounds like you're doing my share of drinking at the moment.
another day another hang over. had an awesome night tho. wasnt gonna go out but when ur next door neighbour has been on an all day binge and is off his face u have 2 go out just to take this piss out of him. nights a bit of a blur. im gonna drink brandy more often. it gets me pissed pretty quick. night ended...
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hey guts, im really happy at the mo. dont know why. maybe its coz i finally am making an effort at uni and no longer have a bad conscious about not goin 2 anything. went on a date yesterday. went for some lunch, a coffee, some shopping, drinks and random walks along the seafront and through some parks. was really cool. came home at midnight...
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Aww you're making me miss uni with that post. Which one are you at? Am good thanks hon, enjoying time off. smile
hey ho, how is everyone? i am very well. went out and had a great night last night and met a sexy lady which did the self esteem a bit of good. she kinda looks like lisa marx from kittie. grrrr! lol. just having a lads day 2day. flat is gradually getting more empty so we have filled it up with guys from next door...
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Aww, she's a lucky girl.
I love that you said 'wankers'. I am going to use that in a sentence today.
hey sg world, hows it al goin?its 3 o'clock in sunny uk and im stuck inside attempting to do some uni work but failing miserably. i missed 2 lectures this morning to do it but so far i have watched tv, pissed about of my flatmates x-box, pisssed about on my other flatmates PS2, pissed about on here and just generally done nothing of any...
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tattoos are good - go for it! (unless you were thinking of getting something stupid tattoed on your forehead!
or you could have "only ugly people can read this"
ah i am so angry, on the upside my internet is working again. i installed firefox instead of internet explorer and everything is grand. wahoo. just pissed off with jess at the mo. she is my best mate but she is gettin on my last nerve. lyin 2 me to gage my reaction, making me feel guilty for what i told her about ages ago...
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firefox kicks ie's ass.... girls suck.... hope things work out and such smile
another morning, another hang over. oh the joys. was agony uncle last night. that was fun when ur drunk and shattered and didnt wanna go out in the firs place. my mate promised me that if i went out i would get laid as well so i might have 2 have a go at her for false advertising. i must have walked about 10 miles...
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The piercing looks cool, kinda like a mini solar system on your chest.
I always fall for the "come out and you'll pull" line as well.
yo yo yo homies. whats the delio? my dealio is good. worked last night and my ex came in and it wasnt as awkward as i thought it would be. it was fun in fact. after work we went out, had a few drinks and just chatted like we did before we went out. was really cool. goin out 2moro as well. she wants to...
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hey everyone, feel like ive been neglecting suicide girls at the mo. been working quite a lot tho. did a twelve hour shift yesterday and a 10 hour shift the day before that. only did 6 hours 2day but the bar was empty so me, the girl i was working with and the bouncer just sat around telling lame jokes 2 each other and generally...
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hey, im home. wahoo!!! food is so novel. i cant remember the last time i went to a cupboard at uni and actually craved something i had in there. got a bacon sandwich at the mo. mmm bacon!!! been down to get my old job back 4 easteer as well. think they were releaved to see me. only got 3 people who can work over...
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hey everyone, hows u? im bored out of my skull. ive fiished uni 4 easter now but im still down here. all my flat r leaving today but im not goin till sunday frown gonna b here for nearly 2 full days on my tod. oh well. the kitchen is all mine apprently and i am free 2 steal everyone elses food, wahoo. might make a...
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*Hugs* sounds like fun.