hey everyone, u all alright? its been so long since i updated. just been workin and doin a million and one other things. alex came down 4 4 days and it was so awesome. she has gone 2 spain now tho and will b out the country 4 a month which is so hard coz i have no way of contactin her. absence makes the...
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hey guys, how is everyone? im home and absolutely knackered. been workin so much since ive been home. im earning money tho. wahoo!!!! im not as poor anymore. havent had the chance 2 go out since ive been back thho coz ive had no money. oh well. less than a week now until alex is comin down and we r goin to the zoo, shoppin,...
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sounds like its going to be a fun (expensive) time. Have a good one. smile
I love the ZOO! I want to live in the bat cave at Chester Zoo, my friends had to drag me out of there by the hair last time. Ahh smile

Hope you have a good time! kiss
hey guys, how is everyone? im bored. finished uni a couple of days and im all on my tod at the mo. most of my flat have already gone home and my mates off my course. alex is still down tho and so is jess so tryin 2 hang out with them in the last couple of days i have left. its gonna b weird...
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hey hon am good thanks, had a pretty uneventful weekend but making up for it by going to see The Explosion on Thursday which should be pretty good.
How are you?
wahoo ive almost finished year one of uni. just one more piece of coursework and one exam then 4 months of workin my arse off 2 pay off my overdraft. have 20 in the bank at the mo so its gonna he 2 b an extremely cheap last night. theres no way it can b as cheap as last night tho. spent 1.50 and managed...
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I used to play the poor student all the time so I could get cheap/free drinks. What you got planned for your long summer?
I'd be a comfy sofa so I could have lots of people sit on me with their nice bums - does that sound pervy?!
id be a... dishwasher? biggrin
If you could have any animal as a pet what would you have and why?

This question was brought up in a pub and the number of answers was a bit astounding. My mate Thom wants a dolphin which he would keep in the bath apparently and my mate dan wants a monkey so he does have 2 get his own beer.
At the moment, a bear, as I randomly proclaimed to my boy the other day. Just BECAUSE.
i want a cow - a white one like they have in india. i love cows, i know they smell a bit but mine wouldnt, mine would talk and wear hats and everything.
yo, well gangster night was awesome, theres a lot of crazy assed pics floating around but a great night was had by all. i may have got a bit too drunk tho. managed to drink half a bottle of whiskey b4 i even left the flat then was on the snakebites and shots. the next morning was not pretty. lol. the birthday girl had to...
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hey sg world, whats the haps?
im still on an all time high. found out 2day i only have one exam this summer so whoop de doo. i hate exams. as soon as i go into tthe exam room i forget everything ive ever known. had a night of stayin in tonight as its my flatmates birthday 2moro and we r all goin out as...
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Exams are a drag, I'm the same, complete brain freeze!

I looked everywhere in Blackburn for a black trillby to be gangsteresque, to no avail frown wahhh..
well so much for me stayin in this weekend. had an all day session yesterday with jess. sat in the sun in the beer garden at the pub opposite 4 about 5 hours then moved on, got drunk, had a laugh, then came bck 2 tjhe fleet and finished a bottle of whiskey between us, the went to my mate dans 4 some more drinking...
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Food and self upkeep, such a chore! wink

I've been hiding in from the sun, blinds closed. I vant to drink your blaaaaaaad, sorta. Then, I complain when it's cold, and when it's hot.. can't win biggrin

[Edited on May 02, 2005 1:57PM]
Sounds like you enjoying life at the moment. Beer gardens are great - did you get the attractive lobster-red sunburn?
hey sg world, how is everyone?
im still all gravy, just been gettin drunk and hangin out with alex, the lovely alex. ahhhhh bless her little cotton socks.
im broke tho but its all good. having too much fun 2 care. plus im goin 2 b borin and in all weekend coz everyone is goin home. alex, owen, sarah, naomi. im gonna b so bored....
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What the hell does all gravy mean anyway?

You're brown and runny??

made of powder??

Good on yorkshire puddings??

It's a fact of life. It wouldn't be work otherwise.
u think the plural of sheep is geese!

whats up homies? lol. im high on life. i have a girlfriend and shes hella cool!!!!!! joy 4 me
Bluewater is too big, I can never do the place in one day. My friend studied law at DMU when I was there. I wasn't intelligent enough so I took the easy option - English!