Even the most wonderful people can harbor the smallest views of the world around them. If you haven't experienced something, you can't possibly understand it. That is what makes relationships outside of your bubble so important. You learn from others, you teach them a thing or two about what it means to be you, and everyone grows, right? At least in my silly little Utopia it is.
What I am slowly learning, though, is that sometimes it is best to just shut up. I should have learned this a long fucking time ago. I remember how many yawning white suburbinaties there were in my sociology classes. I remember all the mumbling about "liberal brainwashing" anytime education reform though funding reforms were discussed. The fact is, some people don't give a shit about my experience. If I over hear someone bashing gays, or the homeless, or black people, or any fucking body at all, I should just shut the fuck up. Because if I happen to have a differeing opinion, here comes a represenative from the almighty Campaign to Encourage Daven to Become a Fucking Mute (CEDBFM). This time it was "You are too critical." Last time it was "Not everyone can understand."
It isn't like someone says something that I don't agree with and I go on some rant and try to make them feel stupid. I just relate... relate... relate... and they just won't relate. Is empathy such a hard emotion? How do these fuckers read books, or watch movies, or listen to fucking music if they can't fucking comprehend? I'm not asking anyone to fucking take my word as law... I'm only asking for discourse. If you start the fucking conversation, don't be suprised if I join. I mean, you are talking to me, nut sack.
Maybe I should stop hanging around so many people who don't understand shit about life outside thier skin and security.
Fuck, that'll leave me a hermit.
I'll guess I'll just sit politely and let people make general, sweeping statements about the world around them. I now know that they aren't trying to have a conversation with me... they are merely reveling in the fact that they CAN make general, sweeping statements.
From now on its all cupcakes and sunshine and shit.
Of course 90% of homeless people are con artists! It is totally thier fault they are homeless, too. And black people? You'd be safest crossing the street when you see them. Psh. Poor kids aren't learning because they are all crack babies! You can't teach a crack baby, no matter how much money you throw at them! I hate gay people, too. Faggy dog fuckers is what they are.
If you can't beat 'em...
I'm sick of this shit.
I need to go to temple.
What I am slowly learning, though, is that sometimes it is best to just shut up. I should have learned this a long fucking time ago. I remember how many yawning white suburbinaties there were in my sociology classes. I remember all the mumbling about "liberal brainwashing" anytime education reform though funding reforms were discussed. The fact is, some people don't give a shit about my experience. If I over hear someone bashing gays, or the homeless, or black people, or any fucking body at all, I should just shut the fuck up. Because if I happen to have a differeing opinion, here comes a represenative from the almighty Campaign to Encourage Daven to Become a Fucking Mute (CEDBFM). This time it was "You are too critical." Last time it was "Not everyone can understand."
It isn't like someone says something that I don't agree with and I go on some rant and try to make them feel stupid. I just relate... relate... relate... and they just won't relate. Is empathy such a hard emotion? How do these fuckers read books, or watch movies, or listen to fucking music if they can't fucking comprehend? I'm not asking anyone to fucking take my word as law... I'm only asking for discourse. If you start the fucking conversation, don't be suprised if I join. I mean, you are talking to me, nut sack.
Maybe I should stop hanging around so many people who don't understand shit about life outside thier skin and security.
Fuck, that'll leave me a hermit.
I'll guess I'll just sit politely and let people make general, sweeping statements about the world around them. I now know that they aren't trying to have a conversation with me... they are merely reveling in the fact that they CAN make general, sweeping statements.
From now on its all cupcakes and sunshine and shit.
Of course 90% of homeless people are con artists! It is totally thier fault they are homeless, too. And black people? You'd be safest crossing the street when you see them. Psh. Poor kids aren't learning because they are all crack babies! You can't teach a crack baby, no matter how much money you throw at them! I hate gay people, too. Faggy dog fuckers is what they are.
If you can't beat 'em...
I'm sick of this shit.
I need to go to temple.
odds are, you won't change their mind and they won't change yours. the only thing that truly alters one's view of life is, life

People are very, very frustrating, even here in supposedly "liberal" NYC.