pretty much this entire day has been a waste due to this hangover (which still lingers
) I watched a couple of war movies on TV--Hall of Montezuma which was pretty good and is about Marines, and also The Longest Day which is freakin the longest movie. It's like three and half hours. It's mostly pretty good although any movie that long is bound to get boring at parts.
Other than that I just played my mandolin all day. I even recorded 7 songs just now. As I've said before I'm gonna record as many as I can before I leave, even songs which aren't finished yet or were abandoned a long time ago. Most of them are really short and boring (yes, even shorter and boringer than the rest of my songs
) I'll post links to them once I upload them to my site, probably tommorrow morning.
There's a bunch more songs that I need to practice a little more before I record them--I'm hoping to get at least another 10 done.

Other than that I just played my mandolin all day. I even recorded 7 songs just now. As I've said before I'm gonna record as many as I can before I leave, even songs which aren't finished yet or were abandoned a long time ago. Most of them are really short and boring (yes, even shorter and boringer than the rest of my songs

There's a bunch more songs that I need to practice a little more before I record them--I'm hoping to get at least another 10 done.
and yeah, I will go back to obsidity, when I am through this whole "screw off' phase. I have some other great names lined up though, too!
yours is pretty frikken awesome too.
[Edited on Jan 02, 2004 2:24AM]