Last night I changed my strings for what may be the last time for a long long time.
I haven't been playing much in the last month but now I need to start practicing again. I wanna record as many unfinished songs as I can--just so I don't forget what they sound like. Most of my music has been written down. With these last recordings I should be able to come back to it in the future.
I'm gonna leave the modernmando website up indeffinately. I'll give the passwords to my brother and he'll take care of it during the times I can't.
It's wiered trying to figure out how to tie up all these loose ends. I haven't signed any paperwork yet and there's a significant possiblity I won't even get in. But I'm hoping it'll all work out.
I haven't been playing much in the last month but now I need to start practicing again. I wanna record as many unfinished songs as I can--just so I don't forget what they sound like. Most of my music has been written down. With these last recordings I should be able to come back to it in the future.
I'm gonna leave the modernmando website up indeffinately. I'll give the passwords to my brother and he'll take care of it during the times I can't.
It's wiered trying to figure out how to tie up all these loose ends. I haven't signed any paperwork yet and there's a significant possiblity I won't even get in. But I'm hoping it'll all work out.
I guess my accordion will never meet your mando.
ah well.