Pride weekend was awesome. The baby & I spent time brunching with mah lezzies (and my brother, who's kind of a dyke himself), then we went to Dolores Park & met up with a bunch more people. I had to leave before marching because Bee & I had family obligations, but I think the evening with her fam was better for us, especially for our little man. Then yesterday Bee finally had a day off (after working 13 days in a row, for a total of 127 hours), so we blew off the parade, installed a screen door for my dad's belated Father's Day present, left the baby with my folks and went home for grownup time.
. Then when we came back to get the boy we had a big turkey dinner with my folks, brothers, and their girlfriends. Seeing so much of our families, and thinking about how loving and accepting they are were a good way to celebrate Pride, too. (So was the freaky sex).
Happy summer, y'all!

Happy summer, y'all!

Sounds like you had a fun week.
btw, I, too, am kind of a dyke. This week is pride week in Toronto. I was hoping to be there spending it with my lezzies, but my bike had different ideas. Which is part of the reason I was in need of a hug.