So, as many of you know, I don't like to have grumpy journals. But something has been bothering me. I keep hearing people in the healthcare debate talk about rationing health care, and how we don't want the government getting involved because people won't have as much access to care.
Well..........I have roughly $180,000 of debt from health care bills.
Some of you remember that a few years ago, I had a series of surgeries and hospitalizations due to fertility issues. Unfortunately, my health insurance company (to whom I'd been sending $478 checks every month for coverage) canceled me because they determined my cyst problems were "pre-existing". Never mind that I'd never been diagnosed with them or shown symptoms before I was with that company. So, they rescinded my coverage, and I still needed care to save my life. Thankfully, the hospital couldn't turn me away, and I got through it. These days I don't get the regular screenings and follow-up I'm supposed to, but I do my best to see a doctor semi-regularly.
But a few weeks ago, I got a letter from a lawyer saying that they're going to sue me over one of my debts. They will garnish my wages like I'm some deadbeat. My credit is thrashed, and I can't qualify for a home loan, a car loan, a student loan, or even an apartment on my own. And the thing is, I never tried to shirk the system. I was paying for insurance. And wanted to keep doing so (even though my bill was more than many people's rent).
When I hear people say that they don't want people to lose access, I wonder what they think of me. Do they not count me because I have the misfortune of being sick? Do they think I should be covered? I'm currently contributing to the high costs of health care. Do they mind that? (BTW, the reason I'm not paying is because the payment plans I've been offered have amounted to a little over $1200 per month - impossible for me). I don't think the Democrats' version of the health care bill is perfect, but I certainly hope it passes soon.
In two weeks, I can afford another appointment . I have been feeling good for quite awhile, so keep your fingers crossed for me!
Well..........I have roughly $180,000 of debt from health care bills.
Some of you remember that a few years ago, I had a series of surgeries and hospitalizations due to fertility issues. Unfortunately, my health insurance company (to whom I'd been sending $478 checks every month for coverage) canceled me because they determined my cyst problems were "pre-existing". Never mind that I'd never been diagnosed with them or shown symptoms before I was with that company. So, they rescinded my coverage, and I still needed care to save my life. Thankfully, the hospital couldn't turn me away, and I got through it. These days I don't get the regular screenings and follow-up I'm supposed to, but I do my best to see a doctor semi-regularly.
But a few weeks ago, I got a letter from a lawyer saying that they're going to sue me over one of my debts. They will garnish my wages like I'm some deadbeat. My credit is thrashed, and I can't qualify for a home loan, a car loan, a student loan, or even an apartment on my own. And the thing is, I never tried to shirk the system. I was paying for insurance. And wanted to keep doing so (even though my bill was more than many people's rent).
When I hear people say that they don't want people to lose access, I wonder what they think of me. Do they not count me because I have the misfortune of being sick? Do they think I should be covered? I'm currently contributing to the high costs of health care. Do they mind that? (BTW, the reason I'm not paying is because the payment plans I've been offered have amounted to a little over $1200 per month - impossible for me). I don't think the Democrats' version of the health care bill is perfect, but I certainly hope it passes soon.
In two weeks, I can afford another appointment . I have been feeling good for quite awhile, so keep your fingers crossed for me!

As a Canadian I truly do not understand a country that doesn't provide such a basic service for it's people. Especially a country that considers itself a leader in so many other ways.
I'm so sorry you're dealing with all this crap.
My 12 month old would be considered to have a pre-existing condition if we were trying to get her insurance right now (fortunately she's been covered since the day she was born) She's small. Not worryingly small, but still in the bottom percentile for weight. Most insurance companies deny anyone over the 95th and under the 5th percentiles for weight. It's crazy.
We could sit and rant for hours about the health care thing...when are you free?