Five sixths of the way finished with my wine room at work. I've been completely re-organizing it. My back aches, and I am half blind from trying to read small letters in dim light. Totally worth it.
I'm going for a beer this week with the first girl I ever had a crush on (this was junior high). I'm nervous, but super happy to see her. We didn't go to the same high school, but we swam on the same summer team, and we did theatre together, as well. I haven't seen her in probably 13 years or so.
I'm going for a beer this week with the first girl I ever had a crush on (this was junior high). I'm nervous, but super happy to see her. We didn't go to the same high school, but we swam on the same summer team, and we did theatre together, as well. I haven't seen her in probably 13 years or so.

Sounds like things are progressing.