So, tonight was crazy. The Chef got in a fight with one of his cooks & fired the dude on the spot. The kid was so upset that T-money had to lock him in the office until he calmed down. Then poor T got the suckiest phone call. An owner of the restaurant called to talk to him about our service standards. T told him "I understand where you're coming from, sir: if 90% of our guests have tremendous service and 10% have good service, that's not good enough". The owner responded with "I understand you lost your father in March; if he could come back for one day, what kind of service would he deserve?". WHAT IN THE EVER-LOVING FUCK WAS THAT?!? What kind of fucked up, employee-hating asshole brings up a loss like that? I am still pissed and it's been 8 hours. T-money is the nicest guy you could ever hope to work with. He's funny and clever and he hugs me at the end of each shift and we high-five when one of us comes up with a particularly good one-liner. And still he is professional and dedicated. He's a big part of why my job rules despite the crazy workload. Grrr. Fucking douchey boss.
When were The Police in Vancouver? That must've been when I was in Australia. When you do make it back up here let me know. Good times will be had.