New job kind of blows. Hope it gets better.
My brother got in a car accident tonight. He & his passenger are okay, but the car is effed up. On a side note, he wants to go on the cake & rage world tour.
I want the avocados I bought to ripen faster. Making guac when they're soft enough.
Spent yesterday in wine country, and I'm in love with the area. I know I'll live there before the end of summer, but I hope I'm not alone when I go.
Big hugs.
My brother got in a car accident tonight. He & his passenger are okay, but the car is effed up. On a side note, he wants to go on the cake & rage world tour.
I want the avocados I bought to ripen faster. Making guac when they're soft enough.
Spent yesterday in wine country, and I'm in love with the area. I know I'll live there before the end of summer, but I hope I'm not alone when I go.
Big hugs.
I'm glad the brosef is okay, and he's more than welcome on the cake and rage tour. We're fiddnah need a BUS for this lol.
I can't wait to see the duck face pic. I love that site so much. lol