so I tested positive for COVID on tuesday, after three goddamn years of masking and skipping all these amazing fucking shows and almost never eating in restaurants (I live in Iowa, which has finally become the right-wing shithole smug liberals have always thought it was) and my own kids getting it multiple times.

Day 0 (monday, when i first started experiencing symptoms) and 1 were...
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Hello dear rest assured you will get better.It's really bad to have covid I already had.Take care, drink plenty of fluids and use a lot of gel alcohol, everything will be fine. Kisses.
It’s making its rounds again I had it too just sucks ~ hope you feel better ❤️‍🩹 🤗🤗🤗

I submitted a proposal to present at a small conference on my school's campus just now, which isn't that big of a deal, but it is forcing me to reconcile myself to the fact that I AM A SERIOUS GRADUATE STUDENT AND MUST START TRYING TO PUBLISH, which is cool, but frustrating in that I really just want to teach, it's what I love the...
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Think of how John Cleese put it (paraphrased): you can only recognize that they are so very talented, insightful and innovative if you are close to their talent, insight and innovativeness. Which means that you are also great. Age just adds seasoning to the lessons and you can’t publish quality if you are frustrated. So, go do what you love, such as teaching, and feed that inner muse a healthy diet of joy and satisfaction, my friend.

I took my Language Proficiency test for my foreign language requirement this morning; I'd rescheduled it for today because my kids tested positive for COVID a couple weeks ago and we were quarantining last week, and forgot entirely that it was going to happen.

I raced through the whole thing and finished with 45 minutes to spare; I ended up with an "Advanced Low" score....
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I’m so sorry(((

I have so much to write and nothing in my mind.


Some beautiful person posted the entire Gremlins story book vinyl audio to YouTube.

This is dope.