I'm glad that there are so many stupid people in the world. It lowers my chances of becoming a victim of natural selection.
I've come to the conclusion that most, if not all, of the people I work with are afflicted with horribly slow thought processes when compared to your average stupid person.
There are stupid people, and then there are stupid people that are... Read More
Well I did something I told myself I wasn't going to last night. I went out with my buddy who works in a bar and got absolutely sloshed.
We had to walk home and apparently I was screaming at some people walking in front of us about how unsanitary it was to defecate in the middle of the street, among other things.
Well, when you die, we put you in the dinghy, push you out to sea, and throw the torch in. and maybe a maiden.
As for being in a warband, you get to wear armor and furry clothes and pillage villages, harass the locals, and occaisionally set fire to paris. it's a pretty good job if you can handle it.