when does "hopelessly romantic" become a love addiction? I think I've spent a better part of my adult life heartbroken. I do it to myself, too .. if I just had the conviction to STOP everything would be okay. But I've always got to be in love with somebody, something.. and it's always with the person the least interested. I'm so fucked.
I had a similar "problem" and, then, about a year and a half ago, I just decided to stop. No love, no crushes, et cetera. And, you know what? That sucked just as much. So I'm back to crushing on everyone -- and at least I have hope again. Even if my track record isn't the best, I feel like maybe things can change as long as I make opportunities for myself. (Does that make sense?) I'm not sure whether or not I need to be with someone in order to be happy but I do know that I want that. And I don't think that's any better or worse than anything else.
My roommate is currently wearing the earrings I just bought two days ago and have not even had a chance to wear. Went through my closet--tried on my brand new boots. She went through my clothes.. and is either wearing something of mine or was attempting to find the food I have to hide in order to keep. Ate my food. Drank the Vitamin Water... Read More
Wednesday, I signed a year lease and moved into the perfect apartment. Thursday, I was fired from my perfect job and can no longer afford to live in the perfect apartment. What did I get fired for? Failing to notice the fax machine was out of paper. SERIOUSLY? FML.
well, I think I've figured out why I will always be single -- whenever it seems like a guy actually likes me I panic and run away. I only pursue boys I know I will never get a serious commitment out of. What's with that ? So fucked up.
Love may be man-made
But it must exist
It's what you want the most
And most... Read More