Tuesday Mar 24, 2009 Mar 24, 2009 0 Facebook Tweet Email why the hell is it possible to hate someone so much and yet still be completely and retardedly in love with them (completely against your better judgment) ? VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS geoffingeorgia: Because some of us devote everything, invest our whole self into love while others don't. Or worse yet pretend to, or worst of all want to but can't. Which leaves those of us in the first group rejected, hurt and oft times bitter from the experience. My new plan is to hold back. I hope it works Mar 27, 2009 whiskeyface: because love is fucking bullshit Mar 27, 2009
Which leaves those of us in the first group rejected, hurt and oft times bitter from the experience.
My new plan is to hold back.
I hope it works