BBQ on saturday... be there!
I'm taking care of the burgers, veggie burgers, dogs and sodie pop. You can bring something to share and your favorite alcoholic beverages
My alergies suck ass!
They are getting better than what they were though so I guess that's a good thing
Other than that nothing to complain about really.
I saw a car with an SG sticker on tuesday. It was the star one and it was kind of faded. There were also various other political stickers on the car as well. You were a female with another female in the car as well driving south on Johnson St and pulled into the little parking lot just after the fire station....
uh Hi!
I'm taking care of the burgers, veggie burgers, dogs and sodie pop. You can bring something to share and your favorite alcoholic beverages
My alergies suck ass!
Other than that nothing to complain about really.
I saw a car with an SG sticker on tuesday. It was the star one and it was kind of faded. There were also various other political stickers on the car as well. You were a female with another female in the car as well driving south on Johnson St and pulled into the little parking lot just after the fire station....
uh Hi!
the news guy said the pollen count was over 2000 the other day and normal is 90!?! screw the booze, where's that benadryl?