The Dull

This beast with quick teeth consumes me,
Destroys me with those serrated fangs.
It rips into me and engulfs my heart.
My chest caves in once nothing is left

This beast is a primal predator
Efficient in its want to ruin.
It's want to consume the souls of the joyous
My spirit is broken and the beast takes all

This beast has a...
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I think you need to start getting out soon! wink



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i was given this comment on myspace:

EEEGADS!! The cat doesnt even seem to take the edge off! You look so depressed!
you would look totally hot if you A: Got some rest and exercise and outside time (I E SUN!!)
B. Cut your hair shorter
C. started eating right and thinking more positive. Laugh at the whole world if you have to.
That what...
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Oh for heavens sake. People are such fucking wackos.

A. I hate exercise aside from sex, believe that you can sleep when you are dead, and the sun can cause cancer.

B. I happen to think your hair is muy spectacular.

C. Eating right is over rated, and being a realist is not a bad thing.

What the fuck indeed? Is this girl like 19?

Give that poptart a reality check. Yeesh.

D. I think you are hot just the way you are. For the record.

she deleted me...awww
4 weeks down and 2 to go, then I can finally get a new job! Whoo hooand just when I was getting used to this cabin fever thing. But like jail I guess you can get used to any situation so long as you're in it long enough. It is still unbelievably boring when you realize you've gone a couple days without speaking aloud, or...
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Being trapped anywhere sucks. You are a better man than I gunga din, cause I would have caved already.

Chemical Candy

I wish I
Had somewhere to go,
A bowl to pack,
A line to blow.

A feeling to feel
Or just a thought,
Something to think about,
I know I've forgot.

My want, to want,
- A need to need -
Somewhere a growling;
The beast needs to feed.

My mind is incased
In a ground glass-shard maze.
Twisting and cutting,
I've been...
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Am I sane, is this sanity? I've been sitting at home for 3 weeks now. I've Left the house only twice; once to move my brother back home and once to have mothers day dinner. Cabin fever is setting in and the bad part is I have no way of getting out. My sins have left me with no vehicle and no where to go,...
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Sanity is just a chosen state. Like anything else I reckon, to a point.

Total meltdown though.....hard call that.

tic toc... tic toc...
Blog blog...BlOg...BLog, bLoG. BLOG---

I don't know what I feel right now; I'm not even sure I'm writingI'm pissing in this stream of consciousness.

Wow, rightSo, yeah...
I wonder what's going on in hereor is it out there. Who knows?
I need laidsex, fucking, I need to do it, some kind of expression of feeling
Feeling good feeling SOMETHING feelING anything

I'm not high enough...
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Hello indeed.

Just checkin in to chat to see if you were there, but you are not. So have a good one love. I will be thinking of you fondly.

Just because someone was born, does it really mean they should have been...I've been asking myself this a lot recently and have come to the conclusion that no, I shouldn't have. My entire life has been one disappointment after another and I honestly don't see it improving. If you want a complete break down believe me, I can start at 3rd grade (yes that early)...
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*kisses on your nose*

I lost my job to alcohol...big suprise.
i've come to determine that it'd be best if i can get back to a zero emotional state. I was best at this when i was alone 24-7...and being around people at work and then going home to be alone just makes me want to drink more...so my new theory is to find a job where i work...
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