
Bittersweet drinks and a warm cigarette haze.
Cash thrown to the wind and the bartender mixes another.
Bottles pour and shake against ice;
Grape and liquors mix with a touch of sprite.
We toast, drink, and head to the floor.

Coconut scent for cool artificial fog surrounds us.
Like a large blanket on an oversized bed;
It hisses as it rolls off the stage....
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The 10 rights of the America I want.

1. Say whatever you want, but don't be a dick!

2. Anybody can have A gun, but if you want a good one join the Army!

3. Bigotism is ILLEGAL; you will be deported to International waters!

4. Do what you want to yourself so long as it doesn't interfere with others!

5. You don't have to...
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We Sure Can Banter

Today we talked.
Discourse only chit-chat.
I think I'm falling in love,
But I fear the burn.
That seared smell of loss.

Maybe I'm too desperate in love;
wanting pain, humility.
Blindly searching those back-alleys,
The turf of whores and gigolos,
Hoping for a Madonna or Teresa.

I just want to cling to something,
anyone who'll reassure me-
Someone to give...
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I like your writing. Very much so.

In Bed

I sit beside her.
She's sleeping, curled up;

I stroke her hair
And watch her breath;
Rising and Falling.

The Moonlight
Dances off shoulder and breast.
A blue hew over perfection.

Her eyes open
And with a smile and a stretch.
She rolls over onto me,

Her ear to my chest.
I become aware of my breathing.
And my heartbeat.

I hug...
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I Long

I long to be violent,
And quicken the pulse of time;
To see the world shimmer in my fist.

I long to have power,
And whip the world to do my bidding;
To shove adrenaline into time's heart.

I long to enjoy passion,
And chase the sun's rise around the world;
To be at time's standstill forever.

I long with need of the...
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Chemical Candy

I wish I
Had somewhere to go,
A bowl to pack,
A line to blow.

A feeling to feel
Or just a thought,
Something to think about,
I know I've forgot.

My want, to want,
- A need to need -
Someone is growling
The beast needs to feed.

My mind is incased
In a ground glass-shard maze.
Twisting and cutting,
Getting lost...
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Thanks for the testimonial! smile
You know
I feel that exact way right now.
quit my job...so now i'm a free-lance server...i'll prolly grab a job at Texas SteakHouse er somethin'...i could use a couple weeks off. who knows skull skull skull
Mmm, steak. Gimme!
I could use a few months off.. but who's counting! Hope your doing well, I know this journal is a little old. What are you up to now?
Ya know...when i went and got my tattoo i knoew there were dangers of infection and whatnot...well 2 weeks after i got a big ugly puss-y abcess on the same arm very close to where the tat was...turns out it wasn't the tattoo that made it...but the shaving of the area that did it...just goes to prove, something can always go wrong and it might...
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Hope it cleared up and didnt kill the tat!
I have too many creepy dreams
Things I can't quantify
My mind races away from me
Leaving me alone in a useless place
A barren existence

Ripping away my armor
Leaving a scab of pot and cheep liquor
Never healing, never feeling
Lost in indifference to the world
Killing like a bullet to the brain

I lie here stripped of my armor and sword
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Hello! kiss
are you alive?
Created as a shield,
It is now all encompassing.
Only the fear remains, the rest is unseen.
And he holds back because of it.
He hides and no one knows of it,
He's just that good at it.
He should be, he's been doin' it for years.

His shield has become his hell, his prison,
Inescapable and forever taunting.
In his mind he runs sweating,...
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Blog blog...BlOg...BLog, bLoG. BLOG---

I don't know what I feel right now; I'm not even sure I'm writingI'm pissing in this stream of consciousness.

Wow, rightSo, yeah...
I wonder whats going on in hereor is it out there. Who knows?
I need laidsex, fucking, I need to do it, some kind of expression of feeling
Feeling good feeling SOMETHING feelING anything

I'm not high enough...
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Wow... lots on your mind huh?
Dear DarkFey,
That post was deep. I'm quite speechless. Perhaps i should ponder more on your thoughts. mmm 5 things you cant live without: Pen, Paper. amen to that.
Velvet Wench ARRR!!!