so im sitting here tired, bout to goto sleep, and for somereason i keep remembering the site my friend started in HS, and all that went with it... probly noone else will get it lol..
ok, so didnt goto hammerjacks, ended up going to a party instead, got sooooo drunk, feeling it thismorning.. i feel sorry for the poor people at dennys on belair rd... cant belive the guy said he usualy has worse people then us...
god, my sleep scedual is soo F'ed up, i gota get it back to normal, im sitting here bored all night, and all i can think about is how pissed i am, i must have watched robot chicken 20times tonight, thank god for tivo and adult swim!
well i just stoped by kims to surprise her, got her 1/2 dozen roses, but as i pull up to her house, i see her and a guy walking in........ i went and knocked on the door, well shes been cheating on me, she never told "danny" we got back togather, and all this other BS, if it hadnt been for her holding angel at... Read More
me and kim got back togather, im happy, but im worried, i havent talked to her for 2days now i know she worked allday friday, but im not sure about today,. i just hope shes not spending time with "him" and ignoring me
"I put the sex in essex"