What is the dream of Canada?
Last night I had an opportunity to view "The Arrow" (which I think everyone should see) and I saw the Canada that could have been. Canada builds the most advanced fighter jets, we build the most powerful engines, we have a shot at lunar conquest, we were in control of our domestic and foreign policy, and it's all destroyed...because of a lack of vision. The people of Canada united behind a common vision. What is our vision now? The vision lies in junk heaps. Each plane... each vision was scrapped and cut to pieces with torches. Look to the trash heap to see the remains of the Canadian Dream.
We are segmented. We need to dream again. What dream would unite our great country? How about a completely Green powered country? Maybe we should race to MARS. How about the first Deep Ocean Research Colony?
Why should the thing that unites us always be a hunk of rubber on a sheet of ice? Canada used to be home to the smartest men in aviation. We were the envy of the world! Do you know what happened to the smartest men whom the world envied? Since the Arrow was scrapped in favour of missiles from the USA that didnt work, they all needed employment... which they found in other countries, primarily the USA (the evry country that discouraged our efforts). Ever wonder why Canada's smartest people leave their mother country? It's because her people have forgotten how to dream....
Last night I had an opportunity to view "The Arrow" (which I think everyone should see) and I saw the Canada that could have been. Canada builds the most advanced fighter jets, we build the most powerful engines, we have a shot at lunar conquest, we were in control of our domestic and foreign policy, and it's all destroyed...because of a lack of vision. The people of Canada united behind a common vision. What is our vision now? The vision lies in junk heaps. Each plane... each vision was scrapped and cut to pieces with torches. Look to the trash heap to see the remains of the Canadian Dream.
We are segmented. We need to dream again. What dream would unite our great country? How about a completely Green powered country? Maybe we should race to MARS. How about the first Deep Ocean Research Colony?
Why should the thing that unites us always be a hunk of rubber on a sheet of ice? Canada used to be home to the smartest men in aviation. We were the envy of the world! Do you know what happened to the smartest men whom the world envied? Since the Arrow was scrapped in favour of missiles from the USA that didnt work, they all needed employment... which they found in other countries, primarily the USA (the evry country that discouraged our efforts). Ever wonder why Canada's smartest people leave their mother country? It's because her people have forgotten how to dream....
PS: You have to update your blog so there's not 1500000 comments from me here!