Political Pop-Off
So when Harper does it... it's ok. Does this seem at all like the US to you? The Democrats do it and it's Holy Hell and when the Republicans do it... meh *shrugs*"
A new turncoat has turned coat and moved from the Liberal camp to the Tory pits and accepted a cabinet position... "David Emerson"... our new trade minister. For those of you who thought Stronachs were what you got when you drank too much coffee or lifted something too heavy, I'd like to remind you that she was ther one who left the Conservatives for a Cabinet level position and this was seen as the work of Satan... This new move however apparently is just "Whats best for Canada".
The other is a minister who couldnt even be bothered to run in a riding, so Harper gave him an appointed Senate position (Despite earlier comments stating that Harper would NEVER abuse the seniot level appointed positions). Ladies and gentlemen... Please meet Senator Michael Fortier new Minister of Public Works.
Now some may see these appointments as sneaky, underhanded, contradictory and even a little evil... But it's not! Harper is just doing whats best for Canada. That is why he is acting exactly like the Liberals did before. He loves the Libs so much he even cancelled 5 billion dollars of Daycare monies, promised to the provinces. Good work Harper.
Torino Tirade
So the Olympics are right around the corner and I will admit... I'm not much of a sports guy but up until recently I have enjoyed the Olympics. Now I dont even think I can watch that. Considering all the scandal behind judging and all the corruption on the Olympic commitee, how can I possibly support such a waste of time.
Here's the truth, sports and religion are just ways to keep the proles in line. While enjoying breakfast today, I heard 6 tables talk about hockey, and one talking about politics (It was mine). You know what? The exploits of millionaire spoiled brats is really unimportant when you consider everything else in the world. I understand you need something to take your mind off things from time to time, but most people keep their mind off things all the time. Thats why these kids make so much money. The less people care about important things, the more evil can be done without notice.
So yeah, I think I have to skip the Olympics this year. so hold our flags high Canadians... if you can find someone willing to actually carry the flag.
Tanline Troubles
Worst Tanline Ever
Seriously.. is the first thing you do after being attacked by your dog and "coming to" without your face light up a cigarette?!?!? I would have lied about that part... just to SAVE FACE.
Remember when it first happened? She wouldnt talk to anyone... Guess we were being too.... NOSY
Ah well... she'll be fine now. Come on girl... CHIN UP... STIFF UPPER LIP.
The State of the State of the Union
Is it just me or did it sound like an infomercial? Isn't it supposed to be like a progress report, not a borderline Down syndrome case whining that he doesnt always get his way? By the way, for a moment I thought I was ill because Bush said he wanted to reduce the US's "addiction to oil". I was shocked.. fell on my ass I did... luckily a few days later it was printed that all the oil talk was a "metaphor". Apparently when Bush says "Decrease our addiction to foreign oil" it was a metaphor for "Increase our illeagal domestic spying".
Robot Roll Call
Finally let me direct your attention to 2 new robots. Hello Kitty can steal jobs not only from receptionists but also nurses and family members who will soon no longer be burdened with speaking to the elderly as these will be installed in nursing homes. Hello Kitty can sense your presence and hold a simple conversation, so it has already advanced much of the population from the Southern States.
Robot number 2.... or -010- is a Korean Robocop who will go online in a few years. This new robot can finally bring in a new era of police corruption and assault. Luckily I saw about half of "I Robot" with Will Smith... and things seemed to be going pretty well for them. Also the ED-209 project shows a lot of promise in North Korea.
I think that will do for now. I'd like to say Im happy Squeak is back, I miss Lavonne and Bendis still rocks. Let's get him a guest membership. If the Enron Assholes get off lets all make a pact to set them on fire. And finally 2 movies to get Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room
Why We Fight
Thanks everyone
Be Well My Friends.... We must find the answer....
Political Pop-Off
So when Harper does it... it's ok. Does this seem at all like the US to you? The Democrats do it and it's Holy Hell and when the Republicans do it... meh *shrugs*"
A new turncoat has turned coat and moved from the Liberal camp to the Tory pits and accepted a cabinet position... "David Emerson"... our new trade minister. For those of you who thought Stronachs were what you got when you drank too much coffee or lifted something too heavy, I'd like to remind you that she was ther one who left the Conservatives for a Cabinet level position and this was seen as the work of Satan... This new move however apparently is just "Whats best for Canada".
The other is a minister who couldnt even be bothered to run in a riding, so Harper gave him an appointed Senate position (Despite earlier comments stating that Harper would NEVER abuse the seniot level appointed positions). Ladies and gentlemen... Please meet Senator Michael Fortier new Minister of Public Works.
Now some may see these appointments as sneaky, underhanded, contradictory and even a little evil... But it's not! Harper is just doing whats best for Canada. That is why he is acting exactly like the Liberals did before. He loves the Libs so much he even cancelled 5 billion dollars of Daycare monies, promised to the provinces. Good work Harper.
Torino Tirade
So the Olympics are right around the corner and I will admit... I'm not much of a sports guy but up until recently I have enjoyed the Olympics. Now I dont even think I can watch that. Considering all the scandal behind judging and all the corruption on the Olympic commitee, how can I possibly support such a waste of time.
Here's the truth, sports and religion are just ways to keep the proles in line. While enjoying breakfast today, I heard 6 tables talk about hockey, and one talking about politics (It was mine). You know what? The exploits of millionaire spoiled brats is really unimportant when you consider everything else in the world. I understand you need something to take your mind off things from time to time, but most people keep their mind off things all the time. Thats why these kids make so much money. The less people care about important things, the more evil can be done without notice.
So yeah, I think I have to skip the Olympics this year. so hold our flags high Canadians... if you can find someone willing to actually carry the flag.
Tanline Troubles
Worst Tanline Ever
Seriously.. is the first thing you do after being attacked by your dog and "coming to" without your face light up a cigarette?!?!? I would have lied about that part... just to SAVE FACE.
Remember when it first happened? She wouldnt talk to anyone... Guess we were being too.... NOSY
Ah well... she'll be fine now. Come on girl... CHIN UP... STIFF UPPER LIP.
The State of the State of the Union
Is it just me or did it sound like an infomercial? Isn't it supposed to be like a progress report, not a borderline Down syndrome case whining that he doesnt always get his way? By the way, for a moment I thought I was ill because Bush said he wanted to reduce the US's "addiction to oil". I was shocked.. fell on my ass I did... luckily a few days later it was printed that all the oil talk was a "metaphor". Apparently when Bush says "Decrease our addiction to foreign oil" it was a metaphor for "Increase our illeagal domestic spying".
Robot Roll Call
Finally let me direct your attention to 2 new robots. Hello Kitty can steal jobs not only from receptionists but also nurses and family members who will soon no longer be burdened with speaking to the elderly as these will be installed in nursing homes. Hello Kitty can sense your presence and hold a simple conversation, so it has already advanced much of the population from the Southern States.
Robot number 2.... or -010- is a Korean Robocop who will go online in a few years. This new robot can finally bring in a new era of police corruption and assault. Luckily I saw about half of "I Robot" with Will Smith... and things seemed to be going pretty well for them. Also the ED-209 project shows a lot of promise in North Korea.
I think that will do for now. I'd like to say Im happy Squeak is back, I miss Lavonne and Bendis still rocks. Let's get him a guest membership. If the Enron Assholes get off lets all make a pact to set them on fire. And finally 2 movies to get Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room
Why We Fight
Thanks everyone
Be Well My Friends.... We must find the answer....
If you want me to hold any prints for you let me know which ones!
Sorry I haven't been around. Things have been busy. Also, I'm moving to BC. I guess I just do better with the hippies.