Well, I am home from work. It was my first day back after taking a couple days off after learning 4 friends of mine had died. I felt weird. Like i don't work there or never have. It was all unfamiliar like to me. I haven't spoken with Sara in a day or so. I am writhing in anguish over her. I had told her...
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you're right.. u cant choose who you fall for. dont die , you will be okay. id hope so. sorry about how things are going. hope it all starts looking up. have a cool weekend too smile take care! biggrin *hugs*
have a good weekend biggrin
So, I was out the last night with the woman that my heart is breaking for, and I had left my phone at home without thinking. Turns out that while I was having a lot of fun with the woman I could never be with a friend of mine killed herself. She called my phone like three times. I feel like a fucking asshole. All...
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lol forehead kisses. awesome biggrin

my AIM is awry alky.
laterrr smile
ur sweet , and ok no george's biggrin
Well here I am at home after work. God I fucking swear that i am just cruisin for a bruisin. It seems I have forgotten just how chaotic everything can be when you are only 19 years old, and I have gone and fallen for someone of that age. She likes me back although I don't know just how much. I can only hope it...
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thanks!!! robot
hello ron, thank u very much for the bday wish biggrin
This is where I live
You cannot lift me from this
You will try and fail
Take it upon yourself to save me
And become a new tenant in my jail
I'm a lost cause, a pile of shit
Cold, Worthless and unfit.......
For your love
So, you're going to be my angel
My saving grace?
Will you show my heart the light,
Lift me...
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Well, I'm even more hopeless than I was before about meeting someone, since I took a personality test and apparently my personality occurs in less than 2% of the population.

*punch in the face*


Here it is, about 10:15 or so. I have to be at work at 5am and i am not used to going to sleep till around that time. I just finished watching the movie " In Good Company", it was a pretty good movie and i can only describe it as bitter-sweet. You feel like that 70's show dude deserves a whole lot more than...
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are u coming to the party for sure? i am just trying to figure out who is going for sure
yay mixed cd's are always awesome! smile

Love.....Loves not
And no one.
Nor does it treat anyone with a kind touch.
Love's touch brings fire to hottest coal
Minds to ruin..,
And lead to soaring souls.
Burn too bright it does...
The flame dying before you are satiated.
And you are only left yearning, burning
For a taste of the nectar......the sweetness
Of the first few nights.
So quick does it turn...
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Oh yeah everyone I have added new pics, the tatts are finally in there. You can catch them in the NEW STUFF folder.

skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull
I like the new pics. The ink is cool, especially the knot work. Thanks for saying hi! smile
"The Burning"
Why does it always have to be so dramatic?
Won't stop hitting me with all that is tragic
Piss me off all the while smiling
Always breaking apart while still reconciling
Slit your wrists and paint me red
Give up all hopes to a thirsty dread
But it's just a fight
It's just a fight
Can't we just fuck and say it's alright!?...
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WOOHOOOO EVERYONE!!! I forgot to mention i got a new tatt hehehehehehehehehe I am all happy with it. It is just straight up black. on the front of my left bicep. It's a sketch of Mamimi from FLCL my most favorite show in the universe!!!! Jeff did a REAL kick ass job on it. I will add it to my photos later. Along with the other ones. take care everyone and have a GREAT week!!!!!

Sincerely, Ron. skull skull
Can't wait to see your tattoo. I'm getting a Bettie Paige tattoo from Mark Mahoney for my birthday and I'm really excited about that. It will be all black, too, except for the lips and shoes which will be blood red, of course!

Yeah, as I said on the day Susie died, I'm not so sad about her dying. But she was my best friend's mother and my boss's wife. It just sucks to watch their pain. It is a very beautiful place that they buried her. My camera phone didn't do that landscape justice. I would love to see your cemetaries in NM, but sadly, I'm only getting as far as AZ on my roadtrip next week. We have sooo many things to see and do as it is!

Have a great day! smile
Well here I am back in NM and interning now. It is pretty fun and I love being surrounded by the music industry all day long. I hope everyone one out there is doing quite well and that you have a great week!!! Take c are and I love each and everyone of you!!!!

Ron puke
Well everyone!, it is the end of school just about. I am so close to a 4.0 I hope i can pull it off. Anyhow time has just flown by and i am gonna miss all the guys i met here in school. I hope their internships go real well. And i definately hope that some of them will have a part in my empire...
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Ok. The week has been hard and my girlfriend that left me when I moved down here to go to school has gotten married to one of my old best friends. Fuck this is BULLSHIT!!!! I can't believe that they actually wanted me to go to the damn wedding too. I guess that I could be happy for them but it feels like I've been...
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ok I just got done watching requiem for a dream again and i still don't feel sleep coming on anytime soon. it's about 4am and shit i haven't closed my eyes since sometime thursday night or friday morning. Shit I don't fell tired at all. my eyes aren't even heavy. I have no idea whats going on. I know I have school in the morning. I'm gonna try a long warm shower and see if that get's me ready for sleep. Take care everyone and have a good monday.
Thanks for the kind words you said about my poem. In answer to your question, I did publish the book myself through an independently owned printing company called Nevada Instant Type. Like Kinko's but way cheaper. They gave me a good discount and put me in contact with another company to get it perfect bound.

However, if you're seriously considering publishing your work, I would suggest going through a professional agency rather than doing it yourself just so that your book can get out to as many people as possible. My book was being carried inside several local book stores but the only way you can get any of them sold is by whoring yourself out at open mics, reading the same old pieces over and over again. it's very tedious and hardly ever rewarding. I've pretty much abandoned it and now rely solely on the internet to get rid of all these damn things that clutter my closet.

christ, this is a long entry. This has to be the longest thing I've ever written to anyone on this site, or any other site for that matter.

I see that you live in Mesa, Arizona. It catches my eye because i'm currently writing a short story that takes place there. I've never been but I hear it's a pretty fucked place. If you ever write anything about your town, I will pay astute attention.

I also notice that you list writing as one of your vices. I usually consider everything that isn't writing to be a vice (ie. friends, sex, this website, work, eating, bathing) but I can easily see it going the other way. I forget the exact name, but i know it starts with a 'grapho" something. It means the compulsion to write and put out books. Apparently it's a bad thing. I once heard someone describe writing as the need to talk all the time when no one wants to hear it. so you write everything you think about down and only show people the good stuff. I think that's pretty on the mark, as far as i'm concerned.

Seems to fit this occasion as well. Here i am, rambling to a stranger on a porn website, four thirty in the morning, body exhausted but mind wont stop. forgive me for how longwinded this is, sometimes i get carried away, but judging by the above journal entry, i have a feeling you understand.

Anyhow, i have another round of mental coitus with Sicily before this night can be deemed officially over, so, take it easy.
{it's too painful to think}

It's too painful to think
Too difficult to know
That I could never touch you
But can't you stay a little longer
Or is it just too much to ask you to

From the moment we spoke this was felt
Upon my soul it leaves a weeping welt

And I can't bleed it out......bleed it out of me
Leach this...
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ok i know this is pretty cheesy but it is the latest of the unending crap that spews forth from my fucked up brain. Enjoy..
good luck finding a job, im in the process of finding a new one myself whatever
