Well, I've just finished researching my first book for Grad School. I have two 20 page papers due by the end the semester; each asks me to look at a topic and then write about the way Historian's perceptions of that topic have changed over the years. We've basically been told to chart out the disagreement and conversation which often occures in the world of Historians. Attempting to save a bit of time an energy, I've found two topics which are somewhat related ("The Collapse of the Progressive Movement" and "The Importance of Robert "Fighting Bob" LaFollette to the Progressive Movement) which will allow me to allow some of my sources to 'cross over'.
As horrible as it might sound, I've actually been a bit excited about the topics (although I wish I was able to write on both directly, rather than on the arguments which have sprung up about them) and have vowed to start my work as soon as possible. With that in mind, I headed over to the Library yesterday to grab some sources and spent a few hours checking out the stacks. Today I headed down to the local coffeeshop and began to pour over on of the texts and begin my note taking.
I figure, if I can gather my sources and take my notes within a month or so, it'll give me roughly two to write the actual papers. Now, each has to be 20 pages; but I write at about 2 pages an hour or so, which means I could conceivably finished both papers after 20 hours of work. I'm not niave enough to think that it won't take me longer than that but, hell, I'm pretty confident I can get a good grasp and begin my writing by late October. My end goal is, of course, to be able to sit back and relax, laughing at everyone scrambling around during the final weeks of the semester. Not sure if I'll be able to pull it off (this has been my expressed goal for nearly every semester I've been at college; and I've yet to pull it off completely; although I HAVE managed to be substantially LESS frantic than my cocompariates)
If anyone was reading my journal last night (which, apparently, no one did...thank god) I went down to a local bar last night to relax. After paying five bucks to get in to a concert upstairs, I realized belatedly that the 'music' (and I use that term very loosely) was nothing but a bunc hof record-scratching techno-hiphop. I drank two beers, resisted the primal urge to vomit that such noise brings out in me, and stumbled down stairs where I found an entirely different band playing! The Legionaires were up on stage, a local Alt-Country/Party band which fit my mood much more closely.
I ended up chatting up a girl who, it turned out, was the lead guitarists' girl friend (which is a shame; she seemed interesting and was awfully adorable) and then made a complete ass out of myself when the band began to play an Irish song. The bad in question was an 'Irish' Pub, I was drinking Carlsburg and Harp, who beers which I loved when I know fair Rosin Dubd personally, and it generally inspired me to show my more nationalistic side; in particular by standing on my chair and hollering "Erin Go Bragh! All Hail Ireland" and several other useful slogans until I almost fell over.
I then stumbled home from the bar, singing Johnny Burnette's "Rock Therapy" at the top of my lungs and breaking out in fits of laughter at my own perceived absurdity (Even when drunk, I don't loose complete control; there is always a part of my brain which remains sober and relational which informs the rest of me about how much of a damn fool I'm acting. The drunk part of me, meanwhile, finds this utterly hilarious; often times resulting in my being reduced to frantic giggling at my own state).
For those interested; here's a video of someone singing "Rock Therapy" who apparently is NOT drunk and can hold a tune. Sadly its not Johnny Burnette, himself
By the way, I'll be getting my first tattoo tomorrow; the Irish and American flags crossed with the forms "Freedom Forever!" written above and the same in Gaelic below. I'm a bit nervous about it all, but I think it'll be fine. Once the thing is healed and presentable, I'll be giving you some pics and all (hell, when coupled with my Pompadour, which is coming along pretty nicely these days; I'm going to look like I kick ass! Which is good; because I DO!
Here's a pic of the design that my Ex-Girlfriend drew for me.:

I'm excited to finally be going through with this; I've been talking about getting a tattoo ever since I left Ireland (in fact, the tattoo I was planning on getting in Ireland was a source of much good-hearted ribbing by my friends; I decided for this one instead
In evne more other news, my evil kitten punctured my air mattress the other night, making sleeping on it impossible. I'd go to bed with it fully inflated and would wake up the next morning swimming in the damn thing. The cat himself showed a disturbing lack of remourse over this issue and, further more, appeared perplexed as to why I was upset over this fact.
Throwing my hands up into the air, I went and purchased a 100 dollar futon, and mattress, from WalMart last night and spent two hours putting the damn thing together. (The cat, of course, was disturbed by the change in environment and also grew increasingly insistant that I give up putting the bed together and, rather, focus all of my attention on him. The Cat then found himself thrown out of my bedroom) I've found that ever since moving, I've been having a lot of oppertunities to build things for my apartment; Even more so, I've found that I really enjoy doing it. It leaves me with a sense of satisfaction, lets me play with tools, and also makes me feel manly!
The bed itself seems pretty comfortable (the damned hell-beast seems to like it) although I was drunk enough last night that I could ahve slept on a bed of nails and not had too many issues with it. We'll see how good of a rest it gives me tonight.
Edited to show you my new Tattoo:


I'll leave you with a clip of one of my Dad's favorite bands from when he was kid, doing their signiture song (He recently helped hire a new English Professor who'd done his Thesis on this band and their impact on the Radicals of the 60s)
So, I give you a testimonial! I give you; the MC5!!!!!!!!!
As horrible as it might sound, I've actually been a bit excited about the topics (although I wish I was able to write on both directly, rather than on the arguments which have sprung up about them) and have vowed to start my work as soon as possible. With that in mind, I headed over to the Library yesterday to grab some sources and spent a few hours checking out the stacks. Today I headed down to the local coffeeshop and began to pour over on of the texts and begin my note taking.
I figure, if I can gather my sources and take my notes within a month or so, it'll give me roughly two to write the actual papers. Now, each has to be 20 pages; but I write at about 2 pages an hour or so, which means I could conceivably finished both papers after 20 hours of work. I'm not niave enough to think that it won't take me longer than that but, hell, I'm pretty confident I can get a good grasp and begin my writing by late October. My end goal is, of course, to be able to sit back and relax, laughing at everyone scrambling around during the final weeks of the semester. Not sure if I'll be able to pull it off (this has been my expressed goal for nearly every semester I've been at college; and I've yet to pull it off completely; although I HAVE managed to be substantially LESS frantic than my cocompariates)
If anyone was reading my journal last night (which, apparently, no one did...thank god) I went down to a local bar last night to relax. After paying five bucks to get in to a concert upstairs, I realized belatedly that the 'music' (and I use that term very loosely) was nothing but a bunc hof record-scratching techno-hiphop. I drank two beers, resisted the primal urge to vomit that such noise brings out in me, and stumbled down stairs where I found an entirely different band playing! The Legionaires were up on stage, a local Alt-Country/Party band which fit my mood much more closely.
I ended up chatting up a girl who, it turned out, was the lead guitarists' girl friend (which is a shame; she seemed interesting and was awfully adorable) and then made a complete ass out of myself when the band began to play an Irish song. The bad in question was an 'Irish' Pub, I was drinking Carlsburg and Harp, who beers which I loved when I know fair Rosin Dubd personally, and it generally inspired me to show my more nationalistic side; in particular by standing on my chair and hollering "Erin Go Bragh! All Hail Ireland" and several other useful slogans until I almost fell over.
I then stumbled home from the bar, singing Johnny Burnette's "Rock Therapy" at the top of my lungs and breaking out in fits of laughter at my own perceived absurdity (Even when drunk, I don't loose complete control; there is always a part of my brain which remains sober and relational which informs the rest of me about how much of a damn fool I'm acting. The drunk part of me, meanwhile, finds this utterly hilarious; often times resulting in my being reduced to frantic giggling at my own state).
For those interested; here's a video of someone singing "Rock Therapy" who apparently is NOT drunk and can hold a tune. Sadly its not Johnny Burnette, himself
By the way, I'll be getting my first tattoo tomorrow; the Irish and American flags crossed with the forms "Freedom Forever!" written above and the same in Gaelic below. I'm a bit nervous about it all, but I think it'll be fine. Once the thing is healed and presentable, I'll be giving you some pics and all (hell, when coupled with my Pompadour, which is coming along pretty nicely these days; I'm going to look like I kick ass! Which is good; because I DO!

Here's a pic of the design that my Ex-Girlfriend drew for me.:

I'm excited to finally be going through with this; I've been talking about getting a tattoo ever since I left Ireland (in fact, the tattoo I was planning on getting in Ireland was a source of much good-hearted ribbing by my friends; I decided for this one instead

In evne more other news, my evil kitten punctured my air mattress the other night, making sleeping on it impossible. I'd go to bed with it fully inflated and would wake up the next morning swimming in the damn thing. The cat himself showed a disturbing lack of remourse over this issue and, further more, appeared perplexed as to why I was upset over this fact.
Throwing my hands up into the air, I went and purchased a 100 dollar futon, and mattress, from WalMart last night and spent two hours putting the damn thing together. (The cat, of course, was disturbed by the change in environment and also grew increasingly insistant that I give up putting the bed together and, rather, focus all of my attention on him. The Cat then found himself thrown out of my bedroom) I've found that ever since moving, I've been having a lot of oppertunities to build things for my apartment; Even more so, I've found that I really enjoy doing it. It leaves me with a sense of satisfaction, lets me play with tools, and also makes me feel manly!

The bed itself seems pretty comfortable (the damned hell-beast seems to like it) although I was drunk enough last night that I could ahve slept on a bed of nails and not had too many issues with it. We'll see how good of a rest it gives me tonight.
Edited to show you my new Tattoo:


I'll leave you with a clip of one of my Dad's favorite bands from when he was kid, doing their signiture song (He recently helped hire a new English Professor who'd done his Thesis on this band and their impact on the Radicals of the 60s)
So, I give you a testimonial! I give you; the MC5!!!!!!!!!
Nice tat!
Awww MC5... I like them but in small doses... Have a great day