For those of you who've been reading my last few entries, you know that I was suffering from a major case of cold feet about going to Grad School. I'd taken a good look at the course work and had a sudden attack of nerves; the same any person will, I suppose, when confronted by a great task laid before them. I think what bothered me worst was the thought that I'd be forced to do only the work and not have time to make friends and rebuild the social life that had been shattered by moving to Alaska and Teaching.
Well, I'm feeling a lot better these days.
First of all, I realized that; yes, its a lot of work, but if I break it up and work for a few hours each day on it, I should be fine. Yes, thats right; I'm 25 and am finally going to have to learn some time management

Secondly, I went to the library today to and began doing some of my reading for one of my classes today and it suddenly struck me; what was I worrying about? I LIKE reading and doing research.
Yes, I know that this makes me a complete dork (no matter my efforts to act cool), but oh well. I've been a dork for years and, most likely, will continue to be one until the day I die. Somehow, I think, I'll survive.
On another topic; I might have lined up a guitarist and bass player for that Rockabilly band I want to create. Domino and the Freebotters comes one step closer to being a reality. Soon, no doubt, I'll be on NTV acting like a drunken ass and ripping my hotel rooms to peices. I can't wait!

Grad school is all about time management. I'm glad you're liking things so far.
I know you will be fine!